Нерубацький Володимир Павлович; Нерубацкий Владимир Павлович; Nerubatskyi Volodymyr
Нерубацький Володимир Павлович; Нерубацкий Владимир Павлович; Nerubatskyi Volodymyr
к.т.н., доцент, доцент кафедри ЕТЕМ, Український державний університет залізничного транспорту
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене kart.edu.ua
The influence of implementation of circular pipes in load-bearing structures of bodies of freight cars on their physico-mechanical properties
OV Fomin, AO Lovska, OA Plakhtii, VP Nerubatskyi
Scientific bulletin of National mining university, 89-96, 2017
Composite material for instrumental applications based on micro powder Al2O3 with additives nano-powder SiC
ES Gevorkyan, M Rucki, AA Kagramanyan, VP Nerubatskiy
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 82, 336-339, 2019
Analyses of energy efficiency of interleaving in active voltage-source rectifier
O Plahtii, V Nerubatskyi
2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2018
Calculation of static and dynamic losses in power IGBT-transistors by polynomial approximation of basic energy characteristics
OA Plakhtii, VP Nerubatskyi, DA Hordiienko, HA Khoruzhevskyi
Scientific bulletin of National mining university, 82–88, 2020
A method for calculating the parameters of the sine filter of the frequency converter, taking into account the criterion of starting current limitation and pulse-width …
V Nerubatskyi, O Plakhtii, D Hordiienko, S Mykhalkiv, V Ravlyuk
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 (8 (109)), 6–16, 2021
Method for optimization of switching frequency in frequency converters
VP Nerubatskyi, OA Plakhtii, DV Tugay, DA Hordiienko
Scientific bulletin of National mining university, 103–110, 2021
Active single-phase four-quadrant rectifier with improved hysteresis modulation algorithm
OA Plakhtii, VP Nerubatskyi, VY Kavun, DA Hordiienko
Scientific bulletin of National mining university, 93-98, 2019
Determining additional power losses in the electricity supply systems due to current’s higher harmonics
O Plakhtii, V Nerubatskyi, I Ryshchenko, ...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 (8 (97)), 6-13, 2019
Feasibility of cobalt-free nanostructured WC cutting inserts for machining of a TiC/Fe composite
E Gevorkyan, M Rucki, T Sałaciński, Z Siemiątkowski, V Nerubatskyi, ...
Materials 14 (12), 2021
Analysis of the energy efficiency of a two-level voltage source inverter in the overmodulation mode
O Plakhtii, V Nerubatskyi, D Hordiienko, V Tsybulnyk
Scientific bulletin of National mining university, 68-72, 2019
Control characteristics of active four-quadrant converter in rectifier and recovery mode
YV Scherback, OA Plakhtiy, VP Nerubatskiy
Technical Electrodynamics, 26–31, 2017
Determining patterns of vertical load on the prototype of a removable module for long-size cargoes
G Vatulia, A Lovska, M Pavliuchenkov, V Nerubatskyi, A Okorokov, ...
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 6 (7 (120)), 21–29, 2022
Analysis of the electroconsolidation process of fine-dispersed structures out of hot pressed Al2O3–WC nanopowders
E Gevorkyan, M Rucki, Z Krzysiak, V Chishkala, W Zurowski, ...
Materials 14 (21), 2021
Energy efficiency criterion of power active filter in a three-phase network
O Plakhtii, V Nerubatskyi, Y Scherbak, A Mashura, I Khomenko
2020 IEEE KhPI Week on Advanced Technology (KhPIWeek), 165–170, 2020
Improving energy indicators of the charging station for electric vehicles based on a three-level active rectifier
O Plakhtii, V Nerubatskyi, A Mashura, D Hordiienko, H Khoruzhevskyi
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 3 (8 (105)), 46–55, 2020
Special features of manufacturing cutting inserts from nanocomposite material Al2O3-SiC
E Gevorkyan, A Mamalis, R Vovk, Z Semiatkowski, D Morozow, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 16 (10), 2021
Control and Accounting of Parameters of Electricity Consumption in Distribution Networks
V Nerubatskyi, O Plakhtii, D Hordiienko
2021 XXXI International Scientific Symposium Metrology and Metrology …, 2021
Revealing specific features of structure formation in composites based on nanopowders of synthesized zirconium dioxide
E Gevorkyan, V Nerubatskyi, V Chyshkala, O Morozova
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 5 (12 (113)), 6–19, 2021
Examination of patterns in obtaining porous structures from submicron aluminum oxide powder and its mixtures
E Gevorkyan, V Nerubatskyi, Y Gutsalenko, O Melnik, L Voloshyna
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 6 (6 (108)), 41–49, 2020
The analysis of mathematical models of charge-discharge characteristics in lithium-ion batteries
O Plakhtii, V Nerubatskyi, A Mashura, D Hordiienko
2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology …, 2020
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