Tessa Francis
Tessa Francis
Chief of Staff, National Nature Assessment, U.S. Global Change Research Program
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Transient phenomena in ecology
A Hastings, KC Abbott, K Cuddington, T Francis, G Gellner, YC Lai, ...
Science 361 (6406), eaat6412, 2018
Pacific salmon and the ecology of coastal ecosystems
DE Schindler, MD Scheuerell, JW Moore, SM Gende, TB Francis, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1 (1), 31-37, 2003
Long transients in ecology: Theory and applications
A Morozov, K Abbott, K Cuddington, T Francis, G Gellner, A Hastings, ...
Physics of life reviews 32, 1-40, 2020
Habitat structure determines resource use by zooplankton in temperate lakes
TB Francis, DE Schindler, GW Holtgrieve, ER Larson, MD Scheuerell, ...
Ecology letters 14 (4), 364-372, 2011
Degradation of littoral habitats by residential development: woody debris in lakes of the Pacific Northwest and Midwest, United States
TB Francis, DE Schindler
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 35 (6), 274-280, 2006
Estimating the abundance of marine mammal populations
PS Hammond, TB Francis, D Heinemann, KJ Long, JE Moore, AE Punt, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 735770, 2021
Shoreline urbanization reduces terrestrial insect subsidies to fishes in North American lakes
TB Francis, DE Schindler
Oikos 118 (12), 1872-1882, 2009
Exploring the implications of the harvest control rule for Pacific sardine, accounting for predator dynamics: A MICE model
AE Punt, AD MacCall, TE Essington, TB Francis, F Hurtado-Ferro, ...
Ecological Modelling 337, 79-95, 2016
Forty years of seagrass population stability and resilience in an urbanizing estuary
AO Shelton, TB Francis, BE Feist, GD Williams, A Lindquist, PS Levin
Journal of Ecology 105 (2), 458-470, 2017
Management implications of long transients in ecological systems
TB Francis, KC Abbott, K Cuddington, G Gellner, A Hastings, YC Lai, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 5 (3), 285-294, 2021
Effects of urbanization on the dynamics of organic sediments in temperate lakes
TB Francis, DE Schindler, JM Fox, E Seminet-Reneau
Ecosystems 10, 1057-1068, 2007
Incorporating science into the environmental policy process: a case study from Washington State
TB Francis, KA Whittaker, V Shandas, AV Mills, JK Graybill
Ecology and society 10 (1), 2005
Climate shifts the interaction web of a marine plankton community
TB Francis, MD Scheuerell, RD Brodeur, PS Levin, JJ Ruzicka, ...
Global Change Biology 18 (8), 2498-2508, 2012
Thirty-two essential questions for understanding the social–ecological system of forage fish: the case of Pacific Herring
PS Levin, TB Francis, NG Taylor
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 2 (4), e01213, 2016
Effects of stochasticity on the length and behaviour of ecological transients
A Hastings, KC Abbott, K Cuddington, TB Francis, YC Lai, A Morozov, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (180), 20210257, 2021
Effects of climate change on zooplankton community interactions in an Alaskan lake
JL Carter, DE Schindler, TB Francis
Climate Change Responses 4, 1-12, 2017
Population diversity in Pacific herring of the Puget Sound, USA
MC Siple, TB Francis
Oecologia 180, 111-125, 2016
The importance of long-term ecological time series for integrated ecosystem assessment and ecosystem-based management
CJ Harvey, JL Fisher, JF Samhouri, GD Williams, TB Francis, ...
Progress in Oceanography 188, 102418, 2020
A mass-balance model for evaluating food web structure and community-scale indicators in the central basin of Puget Sound
CJ Harvey, KK Bartz, JR Davies, TB Francis, TP Good, AD Guerry, ...
Aquatic insects play a minor role in dispersing salmon-derived nutrients into riparian forests in southwestern Alaska
TB Francis, DE Schindler, JW Moore
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63 (11), 2543-2552, 2006
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Articles 1–20