Ralph Koning
Cited by
Cited by
Detecting peer-to-peer botnets
R Schoof, R Koning
University of Amsterdam, 2007
Linux containers networking: Performance and scalability of kernel modules
J Claassen, R Koning, P Grosso
NOMS 2016-2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 713-717, 2016
Using ontologies for resource description in the CineGrid Exchange
R Koning, P Grosso, C de Laat
Future Generation Computer Systems 27 (7), 960-965, 2011
An agent based network resource planner for workflow applications
Z Zhao, P Grosso, J Van der Ham, R Koning, C De Laat
Multiagent and Grid Systems 7 (6), 187-202, 2011
CoreFlow: Enriching Bro security events using network traffic monitoring data
R Koning, N Buraglio, C de Laat, P Grosso
Future Generation Computer Systems 79, 235-242, 2018
Measuring the efficiency of SDN mitigations against attacks on computer infrastructures
R Koning, B de Graaff, G Polevoy, R Meijer, C de Laat, P Grosso
Future Generation Computer Systems 91, 144-156, 2019
Towards trustworthy information sharing by creating cyber security alliances
A Deljoo, T van Engers, R Koning, L Gommans, C de Laat
2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2018
Interactive analysis of sdn-driven defence against distributed denial of service attacks
R Koning, B de Graaff, C de Laat, R Meijer, P Grosso
2016 IEEE NetSoft Conference and Workshops (NetSoft), 483-488, 2016
An agent based planner for including network QoS in scientific workflows
Z Zhao, P Grosso, R Koning, J Van Der Ham, C De Laat
Proceedings of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and …, 2010
Open Cloud eXchange (OCX): A Pivot for Intercloud Services Federation in Multi-provider Cloud Market Environment
Y Demchenko, C Dumitru, R Koning, C de Laat, T Matselyukh, S Filiposka, ...
Planning data intensive workflows on inter-domain resources using the Network Service Interface (NSI)
Z Zhao, J van der Ham, A Taal, R Koning, C Dumitru, A Wibisono, ...
2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and …, 2012
Policy enforcement for secure and trustworthy data sharing in multi-domain infrastructures
X Zhou, R Cushing, R Koning, A Belloum, P Grosso, S Klous, ...
2020 IEEE 14th International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering …, 2020
Enabling e-science applications with dynamic optical networks: Secure autonomous response networks
R Koning, A Deljoo, S Trajanovski, B de Graaff, P Grosso, L Gommans, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Tu3E. 1, 2017
40 Gigabit Ethernet: prototyping transparent end-to-end connectivity
C Dumitru, R Koning, C De Laat
The TERENA Networking Conference 2011 (TNC 2011), 2011
Network resource selection for data transfer processes in scientific workflows
Z Zhao, P Grosso, R Koning, J van der Ham, C de Laat
The 5th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science, 1-6, 2010
User-driven path control through intent-based networking
AR Meijer, L Boldrini, R Koning, P Grosso
2022 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data …, 2022
OIntEd: online ontology instance editor enabling a new approach to ontology development
A Wibisono, R Koning, P Grosso, A Belloum, M Bubak, C de Laat
Software: Practice and Experience 43 (11), 1319-1335, 2013
Approaches for collaborative security defences in multi network environments
R Koning, G Polevoy, L Meijer, C de Laat, P Grosso
2019 6th IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing …, 2019
Measuring the effectiveness of SDN mitigations against cyber attacks
R Koning, B De Graaff, R Meijer, C De Laat, P Grosso
2017 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), 1-6, 2017
Profiling and Discriminating of Containerized ML Applications in Digital Data Marketplaces (DDM).
L Zhang, R Cushing, R Koning, C de Laat, P Grosso
ICISSP, 508-515, 2021
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Articles 1–20