Vladimir Terzija
Vladimir Terzija
Professor of Energy Systems & Networks, Newcastle University, UK
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Wide-area monitoring, protection, and control of future electric power networks
V Terzija, G Valverde, D Cai, P Regulski, V Madani, J Fitch, S Skok, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 99 (1), 80-93, 2010
Power system dynamic state estimation: Motivations, definitions, methodologies, and future work
J Zhao, A Gómez-Expósito, M Netto, L Mili, A Abur, V Terzija, I Kamwa, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 34 (4), 3188-3198, 2019
Adaptive underfrequency load shedding based on the magnitude of the disturbance estimation
VV Terzija
IEEE Transactions on power Systems 21 (3), 1260-1266, 2006
Unscented Kalman filter for power system dynamic state estimation
G Valverde, V Terzija
IET generation, transmission & distribution 5 (1), 29-37, 2011
Wake effect in wind farm performance: Steady-state and dynamic behavior
F González-Longatt, P Wall, V Terzija
Renewable Energy 39 (1), 329-338, 2012
Voltage phasor and local system frequency estimation using Newton type algorithm
VV Terzija, MB Djuric, BD Kovacevic
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 9 (3), 1368-1374, 1994
Two-step spectral clustering controlled islanding algorithm
L Ding, FM Gonzalez-Longatt, P Wall, V Terzija
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (1), 75-84, 2012
Power system restoration: a literature review from 2006 to 2016
Y Liu, R Fan, V Terzija
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 4 (3), 332-341, 2016
Review on deep learning applications in frequency analysis and control of modern power system
Y Zhang, X Shi, H Zhang, Y Cao, V Terzija
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 136, 107744, 2022
Rotor angle instability prediction using post-disturbance voltage trajectories
AD Rajapakse, F Gomez, K Nanayakkara, PA Crossley, VV Terzija
IEEE Transactions on Power systems 25 (2), 947-956, 2009
A new approach to the arcing faults detection for fast autoreclosure in transmission systems
MB Djuric, VV Terzija
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 10 (4), 1793-1798, 1995
Roles of dynamic state estimation in power system modeling, monitoring and operation
J Zhao, M Netto, Z Huang, SS Yu, A Gómez-Expósito, S Wang, I Kamwa, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (3), 2462-2472, 2020
Simultaneous estimation of the time of disturbance and inertia in power systems
P Wall, V Terzija
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29 (4), 2018-2031, 2014
Measurements get together
S Chakrabarti, E Kyriakides, T Bi, D Cai, V Terzija
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 7 (1), 41-49, 2008
An integrated framework for smart microgrids modeling, monitoring, control, communication, and verification
A Vaccaro, M Popov, D Villacci, V Terzija
Proceedings of the IEEE 99 (1), 119-132, 2010
Optimal electric network design for a large offshore wind farm based on a modified genetic algorithm approach
FM Gonzalez-Longatt, P Wall, P Regulski, V Terzija
IEEE Systems Journal 6 (1), 164-172, 2011
On the modeling of long arc in still air and arc resistance calculation
VV Terzija, HJ Koglin
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 19 (3), 1012-1017, 2004
Smart frequency control in low inertia energy systems based on frequency response techniques: A review
Y Cheng, R Azizipanah-Abarghooee, S Azizi, L Ding, V Terzija
Applied Energy 279, 115798, 2020
Power system inertia estimation: Review of methods and the impacts of converter-interfaced generations
B Tan, J Zhao, M Netto, V Krishnan, V Terzija, Y Zhang
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 134, 107362, 2022
Location of single phase to ground faults in distribution networks based on synchronous transients energy analysis
X Wang, H Zhang, F Shi, Q Wu, V Terzija, W Xie, C Fang
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (1), 774-785, 2019
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Articles 1–20