Michael Hennessy
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Cited by
Data collection instrument and procedure for systematic reviews in the Guide to Community Preventive Services
S Zaza, LK Wright-De Agüero, PA Briss, BI Truman, DP Hopkins, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 18 (1), 44-74, 2000
How sources of sexual information relate to adolescents' beliefs about sex
A Bleakley, M Hennessy, M Fishbein, A Jordan
American journal of health behavior 33 (1), 37-48, 2009
Americans reject tailored advertising and three activities that enable it
J Turow, J King, CJ Hoofnagle, A Bleakley, M Hennessy
Available at SSRN 1478214, 2009
A biosocial-affect model of adolescent sensation seeking: The role of affect evaluation and peer-group influence in adolescent drug use
D Romer, M Hennessy
Prevention Science 8, 89-101, 2007
The tradeoff fallacy: How marketers are misrepresenting American consumers and opening them up to exploitation
J Turow, M Hennessy, N Draper
Available at SSRN 2820060, 2015
Public opinion on sex education in US schools
A Bleakley, M Hennessy, M Fishbein
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 160 (11), 1151-1156, 2006
It works both ways: The relationship between exposure to sexual content in the media and adolescent sexual behavior
A Bleakley, M Hennessy, M Fishbein, A Jordan
Media psychology 11 (4), 443-461, 2008
Can we explain why some people do and some people do not act on their intentions?
M Fishbein, M Hennessy, M Yzer, J Douglas
Psychology, health & medicine 8 (1), 3-18, 2003
The relationship between parents’ and children’s television viewing
A Bleakley, AB Jordan, M Hennessy
Pediatrics 132 (2), e364-e371, 2013
Spiritual activities as a resistance resource for women with human immunodeficiency virus
R Sowell, L Moneyham, M Hennessy, J Guillory, A Demi, B Seals
Nursing research 49 (2), 73-82, 2000
Using the integrative model to explain how exposure to sexual media content influences adolescent sexual behavior
A Bleakley, M Hennessy, M Fishbein, A Jordan
Health Education & Behavior 38 (5), 530-540, 2011
A model of adolescents' seeking of sexual content in their media choices
A Bleakley, M Hennessy, M Fishbein
Journal of sex research 48 (4), 309-315, 2011
The growth machine, tourism, and the selling of culture
P Canan, M Hennessy
Sociological perspectives 32 (2), 227-243, 1989
Mass media as an HIV-prevention strategy: using culturally sensitive messages to reduce HIV-associated sexual behavior of at-risk African American youth
D Romer, S Sznitman, R DiClemente, LF Salazar, PA Vanable, MP Carey, ...
American journal of public health 99 (12), 2150-2159, 2009
Using intervention theory to model factors influencing behavior change: Project RESPECT
M Fishbein, M Hennessy, M Kamb, GA Bolan, T Hoxworth, M Iatesta, ...
Evaluation & the health professions 24 (4), 363-384, 2001
When it comes to lifestyle recommendations, more is sometimes less: A meta-analysis of theoretical assumptions underlying the effectiveness of interventions promoting multiple …
K Wilson, I Senay, M Durantini, F Sánchez, M Hennessy, B Spring, ...
Psychological Bulletin 141 (2), 474-509, 2015
Relation of health literacy to gonorrhoea related care
JD Fortenberry, MM McFarlane, M Hennessy, SS Bull, DM Grimley, ...
Sexually transmitted infections 77 (3), 206-211, 2001
Estimating the longitudinal association between adolescent sexual behavior and exposure to sexual media content
M Hennessy, A Bleakley, M Fishbein, A Jordan
Journal of sex research 46 (6), 586-596, 2009
Internet privacy and institutional trust: Insights from a national survey
J Turow, M Hennessy
New media & society 9 (2), 300-318, 2007
Epilepsy self-management: a test of a theoretical model
C DiIorio, M Hennessy, B Manteuffel
Nursing research 45 (4), 211-217, 1996
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Articles 1–20