Statistical optimization for geometric computation: theory and practice K Kanatani Courier Corporation, 2005 | 897 | 2005 |
Geometric computation for machine vision K Kanatani Oxford university press, 1993 | 735 | 1993 |
Group-theoretical methods in image understanding KI Kanatani Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 524 | 2012 |
Motion segmentation by subspace separation and model selection K Kanatani Proceedings Eighth IEEE International Conference on computer Vision. ICCV …, 2001 | 462 | 2001 |
Analysis of 3-D rotation fitting K Kanatani IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 16 (5), 543-549, 1994 | 308 | 1994 |
Statistical bias of conic fitting and renormalization K Kanatani IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 16 (3), 320-326, 1994 | 209 | 1994 |
Hyper least squares fitting of circles and ellipses K Kanatani, P Rangarajan Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 55 (6), 2197-2208, 2011 | 199 | 2011 |
Stereological determination of structural anisotropy KI Kanatani International Journal of Engineering Science 22 (5), 531-546, 1984 | 198 | 1984 |
Shape from texture: General principle K Kanatani, TC Chou Artificial Intelligence 38 (1), 1-48, 1989 | 180 | 1989 |
A micropolar continuum theory for the flow of granular materials KI Kanatani International Journal of Engineering Science 17 (4), 419-432, 1979 | 171 | 1979 |
Geometric information criterion for model selection K Kanatani International Journal of Computer Vision 26, 171-189, 1998 | 165 | 1998 |
Triangulation from Two Views Revisited: Hartley-Sturm vs. Optimal Correction. K Kanatani, Y Sugaya, H Niitsuma BMVC, 1-10, 2008 | 161 | 2008 |
A mathematical foundation for statistical neurodynamics SI Amari, K Yoshida, KI Kanatani SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 33 (1), 95-126, 1977 | 137 | 1977 |
Statistical optimization for geometric fitting: Theoretical accuracy bound and high order error analysis K Kanatani International Journal of Computer Vision 80, 167-188, 2008 | 136 | 2008 |
Do we really have to consider covariance matrices for image feature points? Y Kanazawa, K Kanatani Electronics and communications in Japan (part III: Fundamental electronic …, 2003 | 136 | 2003 |
Detection of surface orientation and motion from texture by a stereological technique K Kanatani Artificial Intelligence 23 (2), 213-237, 1984 | 129 | 1984 |
Geometric structure of degeneracy for multi-body motion segmentation Y Sugaya, K Kanatani International Workshop on Statistical Methods in Video Processing, 13-25, 2004 | 127 | 2004 |
Computational projective geometry K Kanatani CVGIP: Image understanding 54 (3), 333-348, 1991 | 122 | 1991 |
Detecting the motion of a planar surface by line and surface integrals K Kanatani Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 29 (1), 13-22, 1985 | 118 | 1985 |
Optimal homography computation with a reliability measure K Kanatani, N Ohta, Y Kanazawa IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 83 (7), 1369-1374, 2000 | 117 | 2000 |