Xiaocheng Shang
Cited by
Cited by
Adaptive thermostats for noisy gradient systems
B Leimkuhler, X Shang
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (2), A712-A736, 2016
On the numerical treatment of dissipative particle dynamics and related systems
B Leimkuhler, X Shang
Journal of Computational Physics 280, 72-95, 2015
Covariance-controlled adaptive Langevin thermostat for large-scale Bayesian sampling
X Shang, Z Zhu, B Leimkuhler, AJ Storkey
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28, 2015
Structure-preserving integrators for dissipative systems based on reversible–irreversible splitting
X Shang, HC Öttinger
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2234), 20190446, 2020
Pairwise adaptive thermostats for improved accuracy and stability in dissipative particle dynamics
B Leimkuhler, X Shang
Journal of Computational Physics 324, 174-193, 2016
Assessing numerical methods for molecular and particle simulation
X Shang, M Kröger, B Leimkuhler
Soft matter 13 (45), 8565-8578, 2017
How to modify LAMMPS: From the prospective of a particle method researcher
A Albano, E le Guillou, A Danzé, I Moulitsas, IH Sahputra, A Rahmat, ...
ChemEngineering 5 (2), 30, 2021
Intra-annual relationship between precipitation and forest disturbance in the African rainforest
Y Gou, J Balling, V De Sy, M Herold, W De Keersmaecker, B Slagter, ...
Environmental Research Letters 17 (4), 044044, 2022
Time correlation functions of equilibrium and nonequilibrium Langevin dynamics: Derivations and numerics using random numbers
X Shang, M Kroger
Siam Review 62 (4), 901-935, 2020
Accurate and robust splitting methods for the generalized Langevin equation with a positive Prony series memory kernel
MH Duong, X Shang
Journal of Computational Physics 464, 111332, 2022
Accurate and efficient splitting methods for dissipative particle dynamics
X Shang
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43 (3), A1929-A1949, 2021
Extended stochastic dynamics: theory, algorithms, and applications in multiscale modelling and data science
X Shang
The University of Edinburgh, 2016
Identifying Preliminary Risk Profiles for Dissociation in 16-to 25-year-olds Using Machine Learning
R McGuinness, D Herring, X Wu, M Almandi, D Bhangu, L Collinson, ...
Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 2025
Identifying risk profiles for dissociation in 16-to 25-year-olds using machine learning.
R McGuinness, D Herring, X Wu, M Almandi, D Bhangu, L Collinson, ...
PsyArXiv, 2023
How to modify LAMMPS
A Albano, E le Guillou, A Danzé, I Moulitsas, IH Sahputra, A Rahmat, ...
Time correlation functions of equilibrium and nonequilibrium Langevin dynamics
X Shang, M Kröger
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Articles 1–16