Aleksei Malahov
Aleksei Malahov
Другие именаМалахов Алексей, АО Малахов, Малахов А.О.
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The heat effect of combustion process depending on fuel composition fluctuations
ER Saifullin, SA Nazarychev, AO Malahov, VM Larionov, OV Iovleva
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 789 (1), 2017
Корреляционный анализ факторов влияющих на отказы трубопроводов тепловых сетей
ТО Политова, ШГ Зиганшин, РР Саляхова, АО Малахов
Инженерный вестник Дона 37 (3), 115, 2015
Laboratory studies for design of a foam pilot for reducing gas channeling from gas cap in production well in Messoyakhskoye field
E Saifullin, S Zhanbossynova, D Zharkov, C Yuan, M Varfolomeev, ...
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 25 (03), 472-485, 2022
Screening of surfactants for flooding at high-mineralization conditions: two production zones of carbonate reservoir
AO Malahov, ER Saifullin, MA Varfolomeev, SA Nazarychev, AZ Mustafin, ...
Energies 15 (2), 411, 2022
Development of the setup for study of the gas ionization in the pulsating mode of combustion
KG Sadikov, AO Malahov, VM Larionov, ER Saifullin, IV Larionova
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1058 (1), 012060, 2018
Application of the rescaled range analysis for vibro-acoustic imbalance control of rotary equipment
AO Malahov, AR Zagretdinov, SG Ziganshin, YV Vankov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1328 (1), 012049, 2019
Correlation analysis of the factors influencing the failures of pipelines of heat networks
TO Politova, SG Ziganshin, RR Salyakhova, AO Malakhov
Engineering journal of Don, 2015
Потребление как предмет современного научного анализа: от удовлетворения потребностей к коммуникации и идентичности
АО Малахов
Вестник Московского университета. Серия 18. Социология и политология, 64-75, 2011
Различение через потребление: анализ коммуникативных форм потребительского поведения
АО Малахов
Гуманитарные и социальные науки, 246-255, 2011
The influence of hydrogen concentration on the flame temperature of a mixture of methane-hydrogen fuel with air
VM Larionov, ER Saifullin, NV Konstantinov, SA Nazarychev, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1328 (1), 012048, 2019
Novel Nonylphenol Polyethoxylated Based Surfactants for Enhanced Oil Recovery for High-Mineralization Carbonate Reservoir
ER Saifullin, PO Putintseva, RN Sagirov, MA Varfolomeev, C Yuan, ...
Energies 15 (3), 961, 2022
Pulsating combustion of propane-butane fuel mixture with air in a vortex combustion chamber
AO Malahov, VM Larionov, OV Iovleva, TE Gaianova, SA Gaponenko
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1588 (1), 012026, 2020
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Acid Treatment of Low-Permeability Carbonate Reservoirs Using a Developed Foam-Acid Composition Through Physical Modeling and 3D and 4D …
AO Malakhov, MA Leukhina, DI Valisheva, DA Zharkov, EN Badretdinov, ...
SPE EOR Conference at Oil and Gas West Asia, D011S004R005, 2024
Acoustic oscillations of the gas with axial distribution of average temperature in the vortex combustion chamber
AO Malakhov, VM Larionov, AR Khalilov, SA Fadeev, OV Iovleva
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1923 (1), 012022, 2021
Analysis of the effect of combustion chamber length on the gas oscillations characteristics
AO Malakhov, VM Larionov, AR Khalilov, SA Nazarychev, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1923 (1), 012023, 2021
Pulsating combustion of the propane-butane mixture with air and gas ionization in a tube
AO Malahov, VM Larionov, ER Saifullin, KG Sadikov, TE Gaianova
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1328 (1), 012023, 2019
The algorithm diagram of combustion optimizing of a hydrocarbon fuels variable composition in thermal power plants
ER Saifullin, SA Nazarychev, AO Malahov, EY Misoedova, IV Larionova
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1058 (1), 012059, 2018
Экспериментальная оценка скорости горения метано-водородного топлива с воздухом при изменении концентрации водорода
КНВ Ларионов, Виктор Михайлович, Сайфуллин, Эмиль Ренатович, Назарычев ...
Инженерный вестник Дона, 2018
Алгоритм оптимизации процесса сжигания попутного нефтяного газа в тепловых энергетических установках с учетом непостоянства его состава
ВМ Ларионов, ЭР Сайфуллин, СА Назарычев, АО Малахов, ...
Известия высших учебных заведений. Проблемы энергетики 19 (3-4), 3-9, 2017
Coreflood Testing of Gas-Blocking Agents: Selectivity in High-Heterogeneity Reservoirs and Efficiency in Low-Temperature Conditions
ER Saifullin, SA Nazarychev, DA Zharkov, AO Malahov, MA Varfolomeev, ...
Energy & Fuels 37 (16), 11720-11729, 2023
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