Victor Shia
Victor Shia
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Semiautonomous vehicular control using driver modeling
VA Shia, Y Gao, R Vasudevan, KD Campbell, T Lin, F Borrelli, R Bajcsy
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15 (6), 2696-2709, 2014
DexterNet: An open platform for heterogeneous body sensor networks and its applications
P Kuryloski, A Giani, R Giannantonio, K Gilani, R Gravina, VP Seppa, ...
2009 Sixth International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor …, 2009
Data-driven probabilistic modeling and verification of human driver behavior
D Sadigh, K Driggs-Campbell, A Puggelli, W Li, V Shia, R Bajcsy, ...
AAAI Spring Symposium-Technical Report, 56-61, 2014
Safe semi-autonomous control with enhanced driver modeling
R Vasudevan, V Shia, Y Gao, R Cervera-Navarro, R Bajcsy, F Borrelli
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 2896-2903, 2012
A wireless body sensor network for the prevention and management of asthma
EYW Seto, A Giani, V Shia, C Wang, P Yan, AY Yang, M Jerrett, R Bajcsy
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems, 120-123, 2009
Convex computation of the reachable set for controlled polynomial hybrid systems
V Shia, R Vasudevan, R Bajcsy, R Tedrake
53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1499-1506, 2014
Improved driver modeling for human-in-the-loop vehicular control
K Driggs-Campbell, V Shia, R Bajcsy
2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1654-1661, 2015
Models of individual dietary behavior based on smartphone data: the influence of routine, physical activity, emotion, and food environment
E Seto, J Hua, L Wu, V Shia, S Eom, M Wang, Y Li
PLoS One 11 (4), e0153085, 2016
Opportunistic strategies for lightweight signal processing for body sensor networks
E Seto, E Martin, A Yang, P Yan, R Gravina, I Lin, C Wang, M Roy, V Shia, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on PErvasive Technologies …, 2010
Convex computation of the reachable set for hybrid systems with parametric uncertainty
S Mohan, R Vasudevan
2016 American control conference (ACC), 5141-5147, 2016
Determination of a patient's speed and stride length minimizing hardware requirements
E Martin, V Shia, R Bajcsy
2011 International Conference on Body Sensor Networks, 144-149, 2011
Stability basin estimates fall risk from observed kinematics, demonstrated on the Sit-to-Stand task
V Shia, TY Moore, P Holmes, R Bajcsy, R Vasudevan
Journal of biomechanics 72, 37-45, 2018
New emergency medicine paradigm via augmented telemedicine
G Kurillo, AY Yang, V Shia, A Bair, R Bajcsy
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 8th International Conference, VAMR …, 2016
The Kunming CalFit study: Modeling dietary behavioral patterns using smartphone data
E Seto, J Hua, L Wu, A Bestick, V Shia, S Eom, J Han, M Wang, Y Li
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
Decisions for autonomous vehicles: integrating sensors, communication, and control
KR Driggs-Campbell, V Shia, R Bajcsy
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on High confidence networked …, 2014
Experimental design for human-in-the-loop driving simulations
K Driggs-Campbell, G Bellegarda, V Shia, SS Sastry, R Bajcsy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.5039, 2014
Enhancing context awareness with activity recognition and radio fingerprinting
E Martin, V Shia, P Yan, P Kuryloski, E Seto, V Ekambaram, R Bajcsy
2011 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Semantic Computing, 263-266, 2011
Fast ℓ1-minimization and parallelization for face recognition
V Shia, AY Yang, SS Sastry, A Wagner, Y Ma
2011 Conference Record of the Forty Fifth Asilomar Conference on Signals …, 2011
Optimal design for individualised passive assistance
RP Matthew, V Shia, M Tomizuka, R Bajcsy
Proceedings of the 6th Augmented Human International Conference, 69-76, 2015
Linking computer vision with off-the-shelf accelerometry through kinetic energy for precise localization
E Martin, V Shia, P Yan, P Kuryloski, E Seto, V Ekambaram, R Bajcsy
2011 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Semantic Computing, 239-242, 2011
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Articles 1–20