Luke Helt
Luke Helt
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Quantum computational advantage with a programmable photonic processor
LS Madsen, F Laudenbach, MF Askarani, F Rortais, T Vincent, ...
Nature 606 (7912), 75-81, 2022
Quantum circuits with many photons on a programmable nanophotonic chip
JM Arrazola, V Bergholm, K Brádler, TR Bromley, MJ Collins, I Dhand, ...
Nature 591 (7848), 54-60, 2021
Ultra-low power generation of twin photons in a compact silicon ring resonator
S Azzini, D Grassani, MJ Strain, M Sorel, LG Helt, JE Sipe, M Liscidini, ...
Optics express 20 (21), 23100-23107, 2012
Spontaneous four-wave mixing in microring resonators
LG Helt, Z Yang, M Liscidini, JE Sipe
Optics letters 35 (18), 3006-3008, 2010
How does it scale? Comparing quantum and classical nonlinear optical processes in integrated devices
LG Helt, M Liscidini, JE Sipe
JOSA B 29 (8), 2199-2212, 2012
Active temporal multiplexing of indistinguishable heralded single photons
C Xiong, X Zhang, Z Liu, MJ Collins, A Mahendra, LG Helt, MJ Steel, ...
Nature communications 7, 10853, 2016
Broadband quadrature-squeezed vacuum and nonclassical photon number correlations from a nanophotonic device
VD Vaidya, B Morrison, LG Helt, R Shahrokshahi, DH Mahler, MJ Collins, ...
Science advances 6 (39), eaba9186, 2020
From classical four-wave mixing to parametric fluorescence in silicon microring resonators
S Azzini, D Grassani, M Galli, LC Andreani, M Sorel, MJ Strain, LG Helt, ...
Optics Letters 37 (18), 3807-3809, 2012
Inherent polarization entanglement generated from a monolithic semiconductor chip
TJ Rolf T. Horn, Piotr Kolenderski, Dongpeng Kang
Scientific Reports 3, 2314, 2013
Squeezed light from a nanophotonic molecule
Y Zhang, M Menotti, K Tan, VD Vaidya, DH Mahler, LG Helt, L Zatti, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2233, 2021
Direct Generation of Polarization-Entangled Photon Pairs in a Poled Fiber
EY Zhu, Z Tang, L Qian, LG Helt, M Liscidini, JE Sipe, C Corbari, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (21), 213902, 2012
Tunable quantum interference in a 3D integrated circuit
Z Chaboyer, T Meany, LG Helt, MJ Withford, MJ Steel
Scientific reports 5, 2015
Asymptotic fields for a Hamiltonian treatment of nonlinear electromagnetic phenomena
M Liscidini, LG Helt, JE Sipe
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (1), 013833, 2012
Simulating realistic non-Gaussian state preparation
N Quesada, LG Helt, J Izaac, JM Arrazola, R Shahrokhshahi, CR Myers, ...
Physical Review A 100 (2), 022341, 2019
Quantum-correlated photon pair generation in chalcogenide As2S3 waveguides
C Xiong, LG Helt, AC Judge, GD Marshall, MJ Steel, JE Sipe, BJ Eggleton
Opt. Express 18 (15), 16206-16216, 2010
Domain engineering algorithm for practical and effective photon sources
JL Tambasco, A Boes, LG Helt, MJ Steel, A Mitchell
Optics Express 24 (17), 19616-19626, 2016
Beyond photon pairs—nonlinear quantum photonics in the high-gain regime: a tutorial
N Quesada, LG Helt, M Menotti, M Liscidini, JE Sipe
Advances in Optics and Photonics 14 (3), 291-403, 2022
Phase-sensitive tomography of the joint spectral amplitude of photon pair sources
I Jizan, B Bell, LG Helt, AC Bedoya, C Xiong, BJ Eggleton
Optics Letters 41 (20), 4803-4806, 2016
Bi-photon spectral correlation measurements from a silicon nanowire in the quantum and classical regimes
I Jizan, LG Helt, C Xiong, MJ Collins, DY Choi, CJ Chae, M Liscidini, ...
Scientific Reports 5, 12557, 2015
Generation of maximally-polarization-entangled photons on a chip
SV Zhukovsky, LG Helt, D Kang, P Abolghasem, AS Helmy, JE Sipe
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (1), 013838, 2012
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Articles 1–20