Ahmed Abdul Quadeer
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Cited by
Preliminary identification of potential vaccine targets for the COVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) based on SARS-CoV immunological studies
SF Ahmed, AA Quadeer, MR McKay
Viruses 12 (3), 254, 2020
SARS-CoV-2 T Cell Responses Elicited by COVID-19 Vaccines or Infection Are Expected to Remain Robust against Omicron
SF Ahmed, AA Quadeer, MR McKay
Viruses 14 (1), 79, 2022
Impulse noise estimation and removal for OFDM systems
TY Al-Naffouri, AA Quadeer, G Caire
IEEE Transactions on communications 62 (3), 976-989, 2014
Landscape of epitopes targeted by T cells in 852 individuals recovered from COVID-19: Meta-analysis, immunoprevalence, and web platform
AA Quadeer, SF Ahmed, MR McKay
Cell Reports Medicine 100312, 2021
In silico T cell epitope identification for SARS-CoV-2: Progress and perspectives
MS Sohail, SF Ahmed, AA Quadeer, MR McKay
Advanced drug delivery reviews 171, 29-47, 2021
Vaccinia-virus-based vaccines are expected to elicit highly cross-reactive immunity to the 2022 monkeypox virus
SF Ahmed, MS Sohail, AA Quadeer, MR McKay
Viruses 14 (9), 1960, 2022
Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy from Ultra-Widefield Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope Images: A Multicenter Deep Learning Analysis
F Tang, P Luenam, AR Ran, AA Quadeer, R Raman, P Sen, R Khan, ...
Ophthalmology Retina, 2021
Impulsive noise estimation and cancellation in DSL using orthogonal clustering
TY Al-Naffouri, AA Quadeer, G Caire
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings, 2841-2845, 2011
COVIDep: A web-based platform for real-time reporting of vaccine target recommendations for SARS-CoV-2
SF Ahmed, AA Quadeer, MR McKay
Nature Protocols 15 (7), 2141-2142, 2020
Statistical linkage analysis of substitutions in patient-derived sequences of genotype 1a hepatitis C virus nonstructural protein 3 exposes targets for immunogen design
AA Quadeer, RHY Louie, K Shekhar, AK Chakraborty, IM Hsing, ...
Journal of Virology 88 (13), 7628-7644, 2014
Impulsive noise estimation and cancellation in DSL using compressive sampling
TY Al-Naffouri, AA Quadeer, FF Al-Shaalan, H Hmida
2011 IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2133-2136, 2011
Activating killer-cell immunoglobulin-like receptors are associated with the severity of coronavirus disease 2019
E Bernal, L Gimeno, MJ Alcaraz, AA Quadeer, M Moreno, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 224 (2), 229-240, 2021
Deconvolving mutational patterns of poliovirus outbreaks reveals its intrinsic fitness landscape
AA Quadeer, JP Barton, AK Chakraborty, MR McKay
Nature communications 11 (1), 377, 2020
Co-evolution networks of HIV/HCV are modular with direct association to structure and function
AA Quadeer, D Morales-Jimenez, MR McKay
PLoS Computational Biology 14 (9), e1006409, 2018
A Forward-Backward Kalman Filter-based Receiver
TY Al-Naffouri, AA Quadeer
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2008, 1-14, 2009
Identifying immunologically-vulnerable regions of the HCV E2 glycoprotein and broadly neutralizing antibodies that target them
AA Quadeer, RHY Louie, MR McKay
Nature communications 10 (1), 2073, 2019
Within-host genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 lineages in unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals
H Gu, AA Quadeer, P Krishnan, DYM Ng, LDJ Chang, GYZ Liu, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1793, 2023
Enhanced channel estimation using Cyclic Prefix in MIMO STBC OFDM sytems
AA Quadeer, MS Sohail
The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information …, 2010
Cyclic prefix based enhanced data recovery in OFDM
TY Al-Naffouri, AA Quadeer
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (6), 3406-3410, 2010
Sub-dominant principal components inform new vaccine targets for HIV Gag
SF Ahmed, AA Quadeer, D Morales-Jimenez, MR McKay
Bioinformatics 35 (20), 3884-3889, 2019
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Articles 1–20