Ik Rae Jeong
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Cited by
Constructing PEKS schemes secure against keyword guessing attacks is possible?
IR Jeong, JO Kwon, D Hong, DH Lee
Computer communications 32 (2), 394-396, 2009
One-round protocols for two-party authenticated key exchange
IR Jeong, J Katz, DH Lee
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: Second International Conference …, 2004
Password-authenticated key exchange between clients with different passwords
JW Byun, IR Jeong, DH Lee, CS Park
Information and Communications Security: 4th International Conference, ICICS …, 2002
Efficient verifier-based password-authenticated key exchange in the three-party setting
JO Kwon, IR Jeong, K Sakurai, DH Lee
Computer Standards & Interfaces 29 (5), 513-520, 2007
Strong diffie-hellman-DSA key exchange
IR Jeong, JO Kwon, DH Lee
IEEE communications letters 11 (5), 432-433, 2007
Ring signature with weak linkability and its applications
IR Jeong, JO Kwon, DH Lee
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 20 (8), 1145-1148, 2008
Identity-based proxy signature from lattices
KS Kim, D Hong, IR Jeong
Journal of communications and networks 15 (1), 1-7, 2013
Provably secure encrypt-then-sign composition in hybrid signcryption
I Rae Jeong, H Yun Jeong, H Sook Rhee, D Hoon Lee, J In Lim
Information Security and Cryptology—ICISC 2002: 5th International …, 2003
Privacy-preserving disjunctive normal form operations on distributed sets
JY Chun, D Hong, IR Jeong, DH Lee
Information Sciences 231, 113-122, 2013
A Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol without random oracles
IR Jeong, JO Kwon, DH Lee
Cryptology and Network Security: 5th International Conference, CANS 2006 …, 2006
Strong designated verifier signature scheme from lattices in the standard model
G Noh, IR Jeong
Security and Communication Networks 9 (18), 6202-6214, 2016
Certificateless Public Auditing Protocol with Constant Verification Time
D Kim, IR Jeong
Security and Communication Networks 2017 (1), 6758618, 2017
Analysis of revocable-iff-linked ring signature scheme
IR Jeong, JO Kwon, DH Lee
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and …, 2009
Efficient transferable cash with group signatures
IR Jeong, DH Lee, JI Lim
International Conference on Information Security, 462-474, 2001
Collusion-resistant unidirectional proxy re-encryption scheme from lattices
KS Kim, IR Jeong
Journal of Communications and Networks 18 (1), 1-7, 2016
Provably-secure two-round password-authenticated group key exchange in the standard model
JO Kwon, IR Jeong, DH Lee
International Workshop on Security, 322-336, 2006
PCCS analysis model for the passively cooled steel containment
YD Hwang, BD Chung, BH Cho, MH Chang, I Jeong
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 30 (1), 26-39, 1998
Difference set attacks on conjunctive keyword search schemes
HS Rhee, IR Jeong, JW Byun, DH Lee
Workshop on Secure Data Management, 64-74, 2006
Anonymity control in multi-bank E-cash system
I Rae Jeong, D Hoon Lee
International Conference on Cryptology in India, 104-116, 2000
Lattice-based ring signature method
H Do Won, IR Jeong, NOH Geontae
US Patent App. 13/335,821, 2012
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Articles 1–20