Reliability of reinforced concrete structures under fatigue YS Petryna, D Pfanner, F Stangenberg, WB Krätzig Reliability Engineering & System Safety 77 (3), 253-261, 2002 | 97 | 2002 |
Compliance-based structural damage measure and its sensitivity to uncertainties YS Petryna, WB Krätzig Computers & structures 83 (14), 1113-1133, 2005 | 38 | 2005 |
On progressive damage phenomena of structures R Harte, WB Krätzig, SY Noh, YS Petryna Computational mechanics 25 (4), 404-412, 2000 | 37 | 2000 |
Computational framework for long-term reliability analysis of RC structures YS Petryna, WB Krätzig Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 194 (12-16), 1619-1639, 2005 | 34 | 2005 |
Assessment of structural damage and failure WB Krätzig, YS Petryna Archive of Applied Mechanics 71, 1-15, 2001 | 34 | 2001 |
Stochastic modelling of settlements due to cyclic loading for soil-structure interaction A Niemunis, T Wichtmann, Y Petryna, T Triantafyllidis Proc. Int. Conf. Structural Damage and Lifetime Assessment, Rome, 1-8, 2005 | 31 | 2005 |
A decentralized approach towards autonomous fault detection in wireless structural health monitoring systems K Smarsly, Y Petryna EWSHM-7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 2014 | 30 | 2014 |
Robustheit von Tragwerken–ein vergessenes Entwurfsziel? R Harte, WB Krätzig, YS Petryna Bautechnik 84 (4), 225-234, 2007 | 30 | 2007 |
Assessment and design of an engineering structure with polymorphic uncertainty quantification I Papaioannou, M Daub, M Drieschner, F Duddeck, M Ehre, L Eichner, ... GAMM‐Mitteilungen 42 (2), e201900009, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
Damage modelling of reinforced concrete under multi-axial fatigue loading T Pfister, YS Petryna, F Stangenberg Computational modelling of concrete structures, 421-429, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
Faseroptische sensoren zur kontinuierlichen dehnungsmessung im beton K Speck, F Vogdt, M Curbach, Y Petryna Beton‐und Stahlbetonbau 114 (3), 160-167, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
Creep influence on buckling resistance of reinforced concrete shells J Bockhold, YS Petryna Computers & structures 86 (7-8), 702-713, 2008 | 26 | 2008 |
Structural damage and life-time estimates by nonlinear FE simulation WB Krätzig, YS Petryna Engineering structures 27 (12), 1726-1740, 2005 | 22 | 2005 |
Schädigung, Versagen und Zuverlässigkeit von Tragwerken des Konstruktiven Ingenieurbaus Y Petryna Shaker, 2004 | 21 | 2004 |
Measures of structural damage for global failure analysis WB Krätzig, YS Petryna, F Stangenberg International Journal of Solids and structures 37 (48-50), 7393-7407, 2000 | 19 | 2000 |
Schaedigung, Dauerhaftigkeit und (Rest-) Nutzungsdauer von Tragwerken/On structural damage, durability and (residual-) lifetime WB Krätzig, U Montag, YS Petryna Bauingenieur 78 (12), 2003 | 17 | 2003 |
Evaluation of the unconfined uniaxial compression test to study the evolution of apparent printable mortar properties during the early age transition regime U Pott, C Wolf, Y Petryna, D Stephan Cement and Concrete Research 161, 106956, 2022 | 15 | 2022 |
Comparison of various uncertainty models with experimental investigations regarding the failure of plates with holes M Drieschner, Y Petryna, R Gruhlke, M Eigel, D Hömberg Reliability Engineering & System Safety 203, 107106, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Structural vibration monitoring of wind turbines A Mostböck, Y Petryna Proc., 9th Int. Conf. on Structural Dynamics. Porto, Portugal: EURODYN …, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
Dehnungsmessung bei mehraxialen Druckversuchen an Beton mittels faseroptischer Sensoren K Speck, F Vogdt, M Curbach, Y Petryna, S Marx Beton‐und Stahlbetonbau 116 (3), 212-221, 2021 | 12 | 2021 |