Ivanik O.M.
Ivanik O.M.
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене univ.kiev.ua - Главная страница
Geological and geomorphological factors of natural hazards in Ukrainian Carpathians
O Ivanik, V Shevchuk, D Kravchenko, S Shpyrko, V Yanchenko, ...
Journal of Ecological Engineering 20 (4), 2019
Practical measures fo landslide risk mitigation in the Ukrainian Carpathians
I Kaliukh, O Trofymchuk, G Farenyuk, O Ivanik, S Shekhunova
First EAGE Workshop on Assessment of Landslide and Debris Flows Hazards in …, 2019
Stratigraphic structure of Cenozoic deposits of Prekerch shelf and east Black Sea Basin
PF Gozhyk, NV Maslun, ZJ Voizizky, MM Ivanik, GV Kliushyna, OM Ivanik
AAPG European Region Annual Conference, 2011
Paleogeography and neotectonics of Kaniv dislocations (Ukrainian Shield, Ukraine) in the Neogene-Quaternary period
O Ivanik, V Shevchuk, L Tustanovska, V Yanchenko, D Kravchenko
Historical Biology 33 (1), 88-96, 2021
Numerical modeling of geological environment impact on the pipelines
O Ivanik, M Lavrenyuk, V Shevchuk
71st EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2009, cp-127-00030, 2009
Principles and methods of the regional landslide hazard assessment based on analysis of the rock mass stress-strain state
O Ivanik
14th EAGE International Conference on Geoinformatics-Theoretical and Applied …, 2015
Геолого-структурно-термоатмогеохімічне обґрунтування нафтогазоносності Азово-Чорноморської акваторії
ПФ Гожик, ІД Багрій, ЗЯ Войцицький, ВВ Гладун, НВ Маслун, ...
Київ: Логос, 2010
An integrated approach for landslide hazard assessment: A case study of the Middle Dnieper Basin, Ukraine
O Ivanik, J Fonseca, O Shabatura, R Khomenko, K Hadiatska, ...
Journal of Water and Land Development, 81-86-81-86, 2022
Integrated approach to modelling and assessing the landslide hazards at the regional and local scale in Kyiv urbanized area, Ukraine
O Ivanik, O Menshov, K Bondar, S Vyzhva, R Khomenko, K Hadiatska, ...
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 8 (4), 5479-5491, 2022
Regional and local forecasting of landslides and debris flows and assessment of their impact on infrastructure objects
O Ivanik, V Shevchuk, M Lavrenyuk, G Ivankevich
11th International Scientific Conference on Monitoring of Geological …, 2017
Complex technique of the comprehensive assessment of the hazardous geological processes impact on the nature-technical systems
O Ivanik, V Shevchuk, M Lavrenyuk
Geoinformatics 2011-10th International Conference on Geoinformatics …, 2011
Geological-structural-thermo-atmogeochemical Substiation of the Petroleum Presence in the Azov-black Sea Aquatory
PF Gozhik, ID Bagriy, ZY Voitsytskyi, VV Gladun, NV Maslun, ...
Logos, Kiev, 419, 2010
Assessment of natural hazards in the ukrainian carpathians
O Ivanik, V Shevchuk, D Kravchenko, K Hadiatska
First EAGE Workshop on Assessment of Landslide and Debris Flows Hazards in …, 2019
Modeling of landslides and assessment of their impact on infrastructure objects in Ukraine
O Ivanik
Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering: Volume 2 …, 2018
Geologic and stratigraphic criteria for defining landslide processes within the Carpathians
O Ivanik, N Maslun, M Ivanik, N Zhabina, A Andreeva-Grigorovich, ...
First EAGE Workshop on Assessment of Landslide and Debris Flows Hazards in …, 2019
Classification of the structural landslides for the natural hazard assessment
OM Ivanik
77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2015 2015 (1), 1-5, 2015
Застосування класичних методик структурно-морфометричного аналізу для реконструкції новітнього тектогенезу на основі ГІС
О Іванік, Л Тустановська
Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка …, 2011
Local forecast of landslide hazards: Case study from Kyiv region
O Ivanik, O Shabatura, R Homenko, K Hadiatska, D Kravchenko
Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects 2020 2020 (1), 1-5, 2020
Загальна геологія: практикум
ВВ Шевчук, ОМ Іванік, МД Крочак, АШ Мєнасова
Київ: ВПЦ «Київський університет, 2005
Загальна геологія. Навчальний посібник
ОМ Іванік, АШ Мєнасова, МД Крочак
Київ.-2020.–205 с. з іл, 2020
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