Scott Armstrong
Scott Armstrong
UK Civil Service
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Indications of a positive feedback between coastal development and beach nourishment
SB Armstrong, ED Lazarus, PW Limber, EB Goldstein, C Thorpe, ...
Earth's Future 4 (12), 626-635, 2016
Masked shoreline erosion at large spatial scales as a collective effect of beach nourishment
SB Armstrong, ED Lazarus
Earth's Future 7 (2), 74-84, 2019
Building back bigger in hurricane strike zones
ED Lazarus, PW Limber, EB Goldstein, R Dodd, SB Armstrong
Nature Sustainability 1 (12), 759-762, 2018
Self-organized pattern formation in coastal barrier washover deposits
ED Lazarus, S Armstrong
Geology 43 (4), 363-366, 2015
Characterisation of a highly energetic tidal energy site with specific reference to hydrodynamics and bathymetry
P Evans, S Armstrong, C Wilson, I Fairley, C Wooldridge, I Masters
Proceedings of the 10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC …, 2013
Reconstructing patterns of coastal risk in space and time along the US Atlantic coast, 1970–2016
SB Armstrong, ED Lazarus
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 19 (11), 2497-2511, 2019
Masked shoreline erosion at large spatial scales as a collective effect of beach nourishment, Earth’s Future, 7, 74–84
SB Armstrong, ED Lazarus
Indications of a positive feedback between coastal development and beach nourishment, Earth’s Future, 4, 626–635
SB Armstrong, ED Lazarus, PW Limber, EB Goldstein, C Thorpe, ...
Exploring unintended feedbacks between coastal hazard, exposure, and vulnerability
S Armstrong
University of Southampton, 2019
Unsafe at any speed? The velocity of coastal risk along the US Atlantic Coast
SB Armstrong, E Lazarus
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, GC31G-1332, 2018
Intensified coastal development in beach-nourishment zones
E Lazarus, S Armstrong, PW Limber, EB Goldstein, R Ballinger
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, PA31B-2206, 2016
Intensified coastal development behind nourished beaches
S Armstrong, E Lazarus, P Limber, E Goldstein, C Thorpe, R Ballinger
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-4233, 2016
A New Physical Model of Storm Beach Overwash: Insight Into Longshore Shape and Comparison with Three Cliffs Bay
S Armstrong
Cardiff University, 2013
Supplemental Information: Reconstructing patterns of coastal risk in space and time along the US Atlantic Coast, 1970–2016
SB Armstrong, ED Lazarus
In the Wake of Natural Obstructions
S Armstrong, P Evans, C Wooldridge, I Fryett
Attractor Reconstruction of Spatiotemporal Interpsike Intervals with Application to a Coupled Human-Natural System
DE McNamara, N Cortale, S Armstrong, E Lazarus, K Ells
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Articles 1–16