Prof. Stefanos M. Skolianos
Cited by
Cited by
Tribological properties of SiCp-reinforced Al-4.5% Cu-1.5% Mg alloy composites
S Skolianos, TZ Kattamis
Materials Science and Engineering: A 163 (1), 107-113, 1993
Tribological properties of SiC< sub> p</sub>-reinforced Al-4.5% Cu-1.5% Mg alloy composites
S Skolianos, TZ Kattamis
Materials Science and Engineering: A 163 (1), 107-113, 1993
Mechanical behavior of cast SiC< sub> p</sub>-reinforced Al-4.5% Cu-1.5% Mg alloy
S Skolianos
Materials Science and Engineering: A 210 (1), 76-82, 1996
Aluminum–ceramic cenospheres syntactic foams produced by powder metallurgy route
CA Vogiatzis, A Tsouknidas, DT Kountouras, S Skolianos
Materials & Design 85, 444-454, 2015
Comparative examination of the microstructure and high temperature oxidation performance of NiCrBSi flame sprayed and pack cementation coatings
D Chaliampalias, G Vourlias, E Pavlidou, S Skolianos, K Chrissafis, ...
Applied Surface Science 255 (6), 3605-3612, 2009
Effect of applied pressure on the microstructure and mechanical properties of squeeze-cast aluminum AA6061 alloy
SM Skolianos, G Kiourtsidis, T Xatzifotiou
Materials Science and Engineering: A 231 (1-2), 17-24, 1997
Mechanical properties of Al metal foams
DP Papadopoulos, IC Konstantinidis, N Papanastasiou, S Skolianos, ...
Materials letters 58 (21), 2574-2578, 2004
Corrosion behavior of squeeze-cast silicon carbide-2024 composites in aerated 3.5 wt.% sodium chloride
G Kiourtsidis, SM Skolianos
Materials Science and Engineering: A 248 (1-2), 165-172, 1998
High temperature oxidation and corrosion in marine environments of thermal spray deposited coatings
D Chaliampalias, G Vourlias, E Pavlidou, G Stergioudis, S Skolianos, ...
Applied Surface Science 255 (5), 3104-3111, 2008
A study on pitting behaviour of AA2024/SiC< sub> p</sub> composites using the double cycle polarization technique.
GE Kiourtsidis, SM Skolianos, EG Pavlidou
Corrosion Science 41 (6), 1185-1203, 1999
Aging response of aluminium alloy 2024/silicon carbide particles (SiC< sub> p</sub>) composites
GE Kiourtsidis, SM Skolianos, GA Litsardakis
Materials Science and Engineering: A 382 (1), 351-361, 2004
On the sintering mechanisms and microstructure of aluminium–ceramic cenospheres syntactic foams produced by powder metallurgy route
CA Vogiatzis, SM Skolianos
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 82, 8-19, 2016
Cast microstructure and tribological properties of particulate TiC-reinforced Ni-base or stainless steel matrix composites
S Skolianos, TZ Kattamis, M Chen, BV Chambers
Materials Science and Engineering: A 183 (1-2), 195-204, 1994
Pitting corrosion of artificially aged T6 AA2024/SiC< sub> p</sub> composites in 3.5 wt.% NaCl aqueous solution
GE Kiourtsidis, SM Skolianos
Corrosion science 49 (6), 2711-2725, 2007
Wear behavior of artificially aged AA2024/40 μm SiC< sub> p</sub> composites in comparison with conventionally wear resistant ferrous materials
GE Kiourtsidis, SM Skolianos
Wear 253 (9), 946-956, 2002
Deposition of Ni-Al coatings by pack cementation and corrosion resistance in high temperature and marine environments
D Kourtidou, D Chaliampalias, C Vogiatzis, E Tarani, A Kamou, ...
Corrosion Science 148, 12-23, 2019
Effect of residual stresses on the strength, adhesion and wear resistance of SiC coatings obtained by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition on low alloy steel
TZ Kattamis, M Chen, S Skolianos, BV Chambers
Surface and coatings Technology 70 (1), 43-48, 1994
Corrosion resistance of porous NiTi biomedical alloy in simulated body fluids
F Stergioudi, CA Vogiatzis, E Pavlidou, S Skolianos, N Michailidis
Smart Materials and Structures 25 (9), 095024, 2016
The effect of Al and Cr additions on pack cementation zinc coatings
D Chaliampalias, M Papazoglou, S Tsipas, E Pavlidou, S Skolianos, ...
Applied Surface Science 256 (11), 3618-3623, 2010
Comparative Study of Corrosion Performance of HVOF-Sprayed Coatings Produced Using Conventional and Suspension WC-Co Feedstock
R Ahmed, G Vourlias, A Algoburi, C Vogiatzis, D Chaliampalias, ...
Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 27 (8), 1579-1593, 2018
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Articles 1–20