Milovan Šuvakov
Milovan Šuvakov
Mayo clinic, USA
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Three classes of Newtonian three-body planar periodic orbits
M Šuvakov, V Dmitrašinović
Physical review letters 110 (11), 114301, 2013
Kinetic phenomena in charged particle transport in gases, swarm parameters and cross section data
ZL Petrović, M Šuvakov, Ž Nikitović, S Dujko, O Šašić, J Jovanović, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 16 (1), S1, 2007
CNVpytor: a tool for copy number variation detection and analysis from read depth and allele imbalance in whole-genome sequencing
M Suvakov, A Panda, C Diesh, I Holmes, A Abyzov
Gigascience 10 (11), giab074, 2021
Co-evolutionary mechanisms of emotional bursts in online social dynamics and networks
B Tadić, V Gligorijević, M Mitrović, M Šuvakov
Entropy 15 (12), 5084-5120, 2013
Charge transport in cellular nanoparticle networks: Meandering through nanoscale mazes
MO Blunt, M Šuvakov, F Pulizzi, CP Martin, E Pauliac-Vaujour, A Stannard, ...
Nano Letters 7 (4), 855-860, 2007
Modeling collective charge transport in nanoparticle assemblies
M Šuvakov, B Tadić
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (16), 163201, 2010
Monte Carlo simulation of non-conservative positron transport in pure argon
M Šuvakov, ZL Petrović, JP Marler, SJ Buckman, RE Robson, G Malović
New Journal of Physics 10 (5), 053034, 2008
How the online social networks are used: dialogues-based structure of MySpace
M Šuvakov, M Mitrović, V Gligorijević, B Tadić
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10 (79), 20120819, 2013
Analysis of somatic mutations in 131 human brains reveals aging-associated hypermutability
T Bae, L Fasching, Y Wang, JH Shin, M Suvakov, Y Jang, S Norton, ...
Science 377 (6605), 511-517, 2022
Hidden geometries in networks arising from cooperative self-assembly
M Šuvakov, M Andjelković, B Tadić
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1987, 2018
Modeling idiopathic autism in forebrain organoids reveals an imbalance of excitatory cortical neuron subtypes during early neurogenesis
A Jourdon, F Wu, J Mariani, D Capauto, S Norton, L Tomasini, A Amiri, ...
Nature neuroscience 26 (9), 1505-1515, 2023
A guide to hunting periodic three-body orbits
M Šuvakov, V Dmitrašinović
American Journal of Physics 82 (6), 609-619, 2014
Numerical search for periodic solutions in the vicinity of the figure-eight orbit: slaloming around singularities on the shape sphere
M Šuvakov
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 119, 369-377, 2014
Transport coefficients for positron swarms in nitrogen
A Banković, JP Marler, M Šuvakov, G Malović, ZL Petrović
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2008
Monte Carlo modeling of radio-frequency breakdown in argon
M Puač, D Marić, M Radmilović-Radjenović, M Šuvakov, ZL Petrović
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27 (7), 075013, 2018
On explanation of the double-valued Paschen-like curve for RF breakdown in Argon
M Savic, M Radmilovic-Radjenovic, M Suvakov, S Marjanovic, D Maric, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39 (11), 2556-2557, 2011
Spatial profiles of electron swarm properties and explanation of negative mobility of electrons
M Suvakov, Z Ristivojevic, ZL Petrovic, S Dujko, ZM Raspopovic, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 33 (2), 532-533, 2005
Topological dependence of Kepler's third law for collisionless periodic three-body orbits with vanishing angular momentum and equal masses
V Dmitrašinović, M Šuvakov
Physics Letters A 379 (36), 1939-1945, 2015
Positron transport: The plasma-gas interface
JP Marler, ZL Petrović, A Banković, S Dujko, M Šuvakov, G Malović, ...
Physics of plasmas 16 (5), 2009
Efficient hidden-variable simulation of measurements in quantum experiments
B Dakić, M Šuvakov, T Paterek, Č Brukner
Physical review letters 101 (19), 190402, 2008
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