Xuan Wu
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Cited by
Dissipative soliton resonance in an all-normal-dispersion erbium-doped fiber laser
X Wu, DY Tang, H Zhang, LM Zhao
Optics express 17 (7), 5580-5584, 2009
Observation of high-order polarization-locked vector solitons in a fiber laser
DY Tang, H Zhang, LM Zhao, X Wu
Physical review letters 101 (15), 153904, 2008
Dissipative soliton operation of an ytterbium-doped fiber laser mode locked with atomic multilayer graphene
LM Zhao, DY Tang, H Zhang, X Wu, Q Bao, KP Loh
Optics letters 35 (21), 3622-3624, 2010
Multi-wavelength dissipative soliton operation of an erbium-doped fiber laser
H Zhang, DY Tang, X Wu, LM Zhao
Optics express 17 (15), 12692-12697, 2009
Dark pulse emission of a fiber laser
H Zhang, DY Tang, LM Zhao, X Wu
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (4), 045803, 2009
Dissipative soliton generation in Yb-fiber laser with an invisible intracavity bandpass filter
L Zhao, D Tang, X Wu, H Zhang
Optics letters 35 (16), 2756-2758, 2010
Dissipative vector solitons in a dispersion-managed cavity fiber laser with net positive cavity dispersion
H Zhang, DY Tang, LM Zhao, X Wu, HY Tam
Optics Express 17 (2), 455-460, 2009
Soliton trapping in fiber lasers
LM Zhao, DY Tang, H Zhang, X Wu, N Xiang
Optics Express 16 (13), 9528-9533, 2008
Observation of polarization domain wall solitons in weakly birefringent cavity fiber lasers
H Zhang, DY Tang, LM Zhao, X Wu
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (5), 052302, 2009
Polarization rotation locking of vector solitons in a fiber ring laser
LM Zhao, DY Tang, H Zhang, X Wu
Optics Express 16 (14), 10053-10058, 2008
Dual-wavelength domain wall solitons in a fiber ring laser
H Zhang, D Tang, L Zhao, X Wu
Optics express 19 (4), 3525-3530, 2011
Bound states of solitons in a fiber laser mode locked with carbon nanotube saturable absorber
X Wu, DY Tang, XN Luan, Q Zhang
Optics Communications 284 (14), 3615-3618, 2011
Bunch of restless vector solitons in a fiber laser with SESAM
LM Zhao, DY Tang, H Zhang, X Wu
Optics Express 17 (10), 8103-8108, 2009
Soliton modulation instability in fiber lasers
DY Tang, LM Zhao, X Wu, H Zhang
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (2), 023806, 2009
Dissipative soliton trapping in normal dispersion-fiber lasers
LM Zhao, DY Tang, X Wu, H Zhang
Optics letters 35 (11), 1902-1904, 2010
Bound states of gain-guided solitons in a passively mode-locked fiber laser
LM Zhao, DY Tang, X Wu, DJ Lei, SC Wen
Optics letters 32 (21), 3191-3193, 2007
Observation of dip-type sidebands in a soliton fiber laser
LM Zhao, DY Tang, X Wu, H Zhang, C Lu, HY Tam
Optics communications 283 (2), 340-343, 2010
Period-doubling of gain-guided solitons in fiber lasers of large net normal dispersion
LM Zhao, DY Tang, X Wu, H Zhang
Optics communications 281 (13), 3557-3560, 2008
Period-doubling of vector solitons in a ring fiber laser
LM Zhao, DY Tang, H Zhang, X Wu, C Lu, HY Tam
Optics communications 281 (22), 5614-5617, 2008
Dissipative soliton (12 nJ) from an all-fiber passively mode-locked laser with large normal dispersion
C Ouyang, PP Shum, K Wu, JH Wong, X Wu, HQ Lam, S Aditya
IEEE Photonics Journal 3 (5), 881-887, 2011
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Articles 1–20