Rebecca Frost
Cited by
Cited by
Quantifying Sources of Variability in Infancy Research Using the Infant-Directed-Speech Preference
M Frank, KJ Alcock, N Arias-Trejo, G Aschersleben, D Baldwin, S Barbu, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 251524591990080, 2020
Simultaneous segmentation and generalisation of non-adjacent dependencies from continuous speech
RLA Frost, P Monaghan
Cognition 147, 70-74, 2016
Sleep underpins the plasticity of language production
MG Gaskell, J Warker, S Lindsay, R Frost, J Guest, R Snowdon, ...
Psychological science 25 (7), 1457-1465, 2014
Non-adjacent dependency learning in infancy, and its link to language development
RLA Frost, A Jessop, S Durrant, MS Peter, A Bidgood, JM Pine, ...
Cognitive Psychology 120, 2020
Mark my words: High frequency marker words impact early stages of language learning.
RLA Frost, P Monaghan, MH Christiansen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 45 (10 …, 2019
Domain-general mechanisms for speech segmentation: the role of duration information in language learning
RLA Frost, PJ Monaghan, T Tatsumi
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2016
Word segmentation cues in German child-directed speech: A corpus analysis
K Stärk, E Kidd, RLA Frost
Language and Speech, 2021
Sleep-driven Computations in Speech Processing
R Frost, P Monaghan
PLOS ONE, 2017
Using Statistics to Learn Words and Grammatical Categories: How High Frequency Words Assist Language Acquisition
RLA Frost, P Monaghan, MH Christiansen
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2016
Bridging artificial and natural language learning: Comparing processing-and reflection-based measures of learning
E Isbilen, RLA Frost, P Monaghan, M Christiansen
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2018
Multiple variable cues in the environment promote accurate and robust word learning
P Monaghan, J Brand, RLA Frost, G Taylor
Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the cognitive science society, 2017
Close encounters of the word kind: Attested distributional information boosts statistical learning
K Stärk, E Kidd, RLA Frost
Language Learning 73 (2), 341-373, 2023
Statistically based chunking of nonadjacent dependencies.
ES Isbilen, RLA Frost, P Monaghan, MH Christiansen
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 151 (11), 2623, 2022
The effect of children’s prior knowledge and language abilities on their statistical learning
K Stärk, E Kidd, RLA Frost
Applied Psycholinguistics 43 (5), 1045-1071, 2022
Insights from studying statistical learning
RLA Frost, P Monaghan
Current Perspectives on Child Language Acquisition: How children use their …, 2020
Testing the limits of non-adjacent dependency learning: Statistical segmentation and generalization across domains
RLA Frost, ES Isbilen, MH Christiansen, P Monaghan
Proceedings of the The 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science …, 2019
Investigating statistical learning of nonadjacent dependencies: Running statistical learning tasks in non-WEIRD populations
RLA Frost, M Casillas
SAGE Research Methods Cases, 2021
Learning to generalise but not segment an artificial language at 17 months predicts children’s language skills 3 years later
P Monaghan, S Donnelly, K Alcock, A Bidgood, K Cain, S Durrant, ...
Cognitive Psychology 147, 101607, 2023
Exploring the “anchor word” effect in infants: Segmentation and categorisation of speech with and without high frequency words
RLA Frost, K Dunn, MH Christiansen, RL Gómez, P Monaghan
PloS one 15 (12), e0243436, 2020
Word for word
R Frost, K Twomey, G Taylor, G Westermann, P Monaghan
Nursery World 2015 (15), 21-23, 2015
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Articles 1–20