Giovanni Romagnoli
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Cited by
Extending value stream mapping: the synchro-MRP case
M Bertolini, M Braglia, G Romagnoli, F Zammori
International Journal of Production Research 51 (18), 5499-5519, 2013
A TOPSIS-based approach for the best match between manufacturing technologies and product specifications
M Bertolini, G Esposito, G Romagnoli
Expert Systems with Applications 159, 113610, 2020
Monitoring on-shelf availability, out-of-stock and product freshness through RFID in the fresh food supply chain
E Bottani, M Bertolini, A Rizzi, G Romagnoli
International Journal of RF Technologies 8 (1-2), 33-55, 2017
Design and simulation of CONWIP in the complex flexible job shop of a Make-To-Order manufacturing firm
G Romagnoli
International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations 6 (1), 117-134, 2015
A new framework for RFID use cases in fashion and apparel retailing
A Rizzi, G Romagnoli, F Thiesse
International Journal of RF Technologies 7 (2-3), 105-129, 2016
Maturity models in industrial internet: a review
M Bertolini, G Esposito, M Neroni, G Romagnoli
Procedia Manufacturing 39, 1854-1863, 2019
2MTO, a new mapping tool to achieve lean benefits in high-variety low-volume job shops
M Bertolini, G Romagnoli, F Zammori
Production Planning & Control 28 (5), 444-458, 2017
Defining accurate delivery dates in make to order job-shops managed by workload control
D Mezzogori, G Romagnoli, F Zammori
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 33 (4), 956-991, 2021
Non-traditional labs and lab network initiatives: a review
G Esposito, D Mezzogori, D Reverberi, G Romagnoli, M Ustenko, ...
International journal of online and biomedical engineering 17 (5), 4-32, 2021
Misplaced product detection using sensor data without planograms
A Solti, M Raffel, G Romagnoli, J Mendling
Decision Support Systems 112, 76-87, 2018
Integration of new technologies and alternative methods in laboratory-based scenarios
M Burghardt, P Ferdinand, A Pfeiffer, D Reverberi, G Romagnoli
Cross Reality and Data Science in Engineering: Proceedings of the 17th …, 2021
State of the art of item-level RFID deployments in fashion and apparel retail
G Cilloni, R Leporati, A Rizzi, G Romagnoli
International Journal of RF Technologies 10 (3-4), 65-88, 2019
Simulation of two hybrid production planning and control systems: A comparative analysis
M Bertolini, G Romagnoli, F Zammori
2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems …, 2015
The impact of RFID technologies on inventory accuracy in the apparel retailing: Evidence from the field
M Bertolini, E Bottani, R Giovanni, V Giuseppe
International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications 6 (4 …, 2015
Improving sales turnover in fashion retailing by means of an RFID-based replenishment policy
E Bottani, R Montanari, G Romagnoli
International Journal of RF Technologies 7 (1), 65-86, 2016
Lab networks in engineering education: a proposed structure for organizing information
G Romagnoli, G Esposito, A Rizzi, F Zammori, M Bertolini, D Uckelmann
International Association of Online Engineering, 2020
Rf-based locating of mobile objects
D Uckelmann, G Romagnoli
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Internet of Things …, 2016
Lean manufacturing in the valve pre-assembly area of a bottling lines production plant: an Italian case study
M Bertolini, G Romagnoli
Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2013
Experiential learning in labs and multimodal learning analytics
A Pfeiffer, V Lukarov, G Romagnoli, D Uckelmann, U Schroeder
Adoption of Data Analytics in Higher Education Learning and Teaching, 349-373, 2020
RFID technology for blood tracking: An experimental approach for benchmarking different devices
V Caredda, PF Orrù, G Romagnoli, A Volpi, F Zedda
International Journal of RF Technologies 7 (4), 209-228, 2016
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Articles 1–20