Gizelle Anzures
Gizelle Anzures
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Categorization, categorical perception, and asymmetry in infants’ representation of face race
G Anzures, PC Quinn, O Pascalis, AM Slater, K Lee
Developmental science 13 (4), 553-564, 2010
Developmental origins of the other-race effect
G Anzures, PC Quinn, O Pascalis, AM Slater, JW Tanaka, K Lee
Current directions in psychological science 22 (3), 173-178, 2013
Perceptual training prevents the emergence of the other race effect during infancy
M Heron-Delaney, G Anzures, JS Herbert, PC Quinn, AM Slater, ...
PloS one 6 (5), e19858, 2011
Brief daily exposures to Asian females reverses perceptual narrowing for Asian faces in Caucasian infants
G Anzures, A Wheeler, PC Quinn, O Pascalis, AM Slater, ...
Journal of experimental child psychology 112 (4), 484-495, 2012
Caucasian infants scan own-and other-race faces differently
A Wheeler, G Anzures, PC Quinn, O Pascalis, DS Omrin, K Lee
PloS one 6 (4), e18621, 2011
Development of face processing
O Pascalis, X de Martin de Viviés, G Anzures, PC Quinn, AM Slater, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 2 (6), 666-675, 2011
Development of face processing expertise
K Lee, G Anzures, PC Quinn, O Pascalis, A Slater
Looking across domains to understand infant representation of emotion
PC Quinn, G Anzures, CE Izard, K Lee, O Pascalis, AM Slater, JW Tanaka
Emotion Review 3 (2), 197-206, 2011
Face adaptation and attractiveness aftereffects in 8‐year‐olds and adults
G Anzures, CJ Mondloch, C Lackner
Child Development 80 (1), 178-191, 2009
Development of own-race biases
G Anzures, PC Quinn, O Pascalis, AM Slater, K Lee
Visual cognition 21 (9-10), 1165-1182, 2013
Development of face scanning for own-and other-race faces in infancy
WS Xiao, NG Xiao, PC Quinn, G Anzures, K Lee
International journal of behavioral development 37 (2), 100-105, 2013
An inner face advantage in children’s recognition of familiar peers
L Ge, G Anzures, Z Wang, DJ Kelly, O Pascalis, PC Quinn, AM Slater, ...
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 101 (2), 124-136, 2008
Own-and other-race face identity recognition in children: the effects of pose and feature composition.
G Anzures, DJ Kelly, O Pascalis, PC Quinn, AM Slater, X de Viviés, K Lee
Developmental psychology 50 (2), 469, 2014
Functional development of the brain's face‐processing system
F Haist, G Anzures
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 8 (1-2), e1423, 2017
Minimizing skin color differences does not eliminate the own‐race recognition advantage in infants
G Anzures, O Pascalis, PC Quinn, AM Slater, K Lee
Infancy 16 (6), 640-654, 2011
Development of recognition of face parts from unfamiliar faces
S Liu, G Anzures, L Ge, PC Quinn, O Pascalis, AM Slater, JW Tanaka, ...
Infant and child development 22 (2), 165-179, 2013
On the developmental origins of differential responding to social category information
PC Quinn, G Anzures, K Lee, O Pascalis, A Slater, JW Tanaka
Navigating the social world: What infants, children, and other species can …, 2013
Effects of normal and abnormal visual experience on the development of opposing aftereffects for upright and inverted faces
RA Robbins, D Maurer, A Hatry, G Anzures, CJ Mondloch
Developmental Science 15 (2), 194-203, 2012
Culture shapes efficiency of facial age judgments
G Anzures, L Ge, Z Wang, S Itakura, K Lee
PLoS One 5 (7), e11679, 2010
Do perceptual expertise and implicit racial bias predict early face-sensitive ERP responses?
G Anzures, M Mildort
Brain and Cognition 147, 105671, 2021
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Articles 1–20