Rebecca Covarrubias
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Cited by
Unseen disadvantage: how American universities' focus on independence undermines the academic performance of first-generation college students.
NM Stephens, SA Fryberg, HR Markus, CS Johnson, R Covarrubias
Journal of personality and social psychology 102 (6), 1178, 2012
Movin’on up (to college): First-generation college students’ experiences with family achievement guilt.
R Covarrubias, SA Fryberg
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 21 (3), 420, 2015
“You never become fully independent”: Family roles and independence in first-generation college students
R Covarrubias, I Valle, G Laiduc, M Azmitia
Journal of Adolescent Research 34 (4), 381-410, 2019
“Frozen in time”: The impact of Native American media representations on identity and self‐understanding
PA Leavitt, R Covarrubias, YA Perez, SA Fryberg
Journal of Social Issues 71 (1), 39-53, 2015
“Dropping out is not an option”: How educationally resilient first‐generation students see the future
M Azmitia, G Sumabat‐Estrada, Y Cheong, R Covarrubias
New directions for child and adolescent development 2018 (160), 89-100, 2018
How the media frames the immigration debate: The critical role of location and politics
SA Fryberg, NM Stephens, R Covarrubias, HR Markus, ED Carter, ...
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 12 (1), 96-112, 2012
Family achievement guilt and mental well-being of college students
R Covarrubias, A Romero, M Trivelli
Journal of Child and Family Studies 24, 2031-2037, 2015
Self‐concepts, self‐esteem, and academic achievement of minority and majority north American elementary school children
D Cvencek, SA Fryberg, R Covarrubias, AN Meltzoff
Child development 89 (4), 1099-1109, 2018
Cultural models of education and academic performance for Native American and European American students
SA Fryberg, R Covarrubias, JA Burack
School Psychology International 34 (4), 439-452, 2013
The impact of self-relevant representations on school belonging for Native American students.
R Covarrubias, SA Fryberg
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 21 (1), 10, 2015
Affirming the interdependent self: Implications for Latino student performance
R Covarrubias, SD Herrmann, SA Fryberg
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 38 (1), 47-57, 2016
Exploring the links between parent–student conversations about college, academic self-concepts, and grades for first-generation college students
R Covarrubias, J Jones, R Johnson
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 22 (3 …, 2020
Developing a family achievement guilt scale grounded in first-generation college student voices
R Covarrubias, I Landa, R Gallimore
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (11), 1553-1566, 2020
The ongoing psychological colonization of North American indigenous people: Using social psychological theories to promote social justice
SA Fryberg, R Covarrubias, JA Burack
The Oxford handbook of social psychology and social justice, 113-128, 2018
“I know that I should be here”: Lessons learned from the first-year performance of borderline university applicants
R Covarrubias, R Gallimore, L Okagaki
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 20 (1), 92-115, 2018
Facets of family achievement guilt for low-income, Latinx and Asian first-generation students.
R Covarrubias, F De Lima, I Landa, I Valle, W Hernandez Flores
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 27 (4), 696, 2021
Growth messages increase help-seeking and performance for women in STEM
R Covarrubias, G Laiduc, I Valle
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 22 (3), 434-451, 2019
Making meaning of the hidden curriculum: Translating wise interventions to usher university change.
G Laiduc, R Covarrubias
Translational Issues in Psychological Science 8 (2), 221, 2022
What we bring with us: Investing in Latinx students means investing in families
R Covarrubias
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1), 3-10, 2021
Self-monitoring strategies as a unique predictor of Latino male student achievement
R Covarrubias, J Stone
Journal of Latinos and Education 14 (1), 55-70, 2015
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Articles 1–20