Maria Fuentes Fort
Maria Fuentes Fort
Language & Speech Technologist at TALP, UPC. Previously, Assistant Professor at UdG
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Cited by
Support vector machines for query-focused summarization trained and evaluated on pyramid data
M Fuentes Fort, E Alfonseca, H Rodríguez Hontoria
Approaches to text summarization: Questions and answers
L Alonso, I Castellón, S Climent, M Fuentes, L Padró, H Rodríguez
Inteligencia Artificial. Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 8 …, 2004
Cohesion and coherence for automatic summarization
LA Alemany, M Fuentes
Student Research Workshop, 2003
Using cohesive properties of text for automatic summarization
M Fuentes, H Rodríguez
JOTRI’02, 2002
FEMsum at DUC 2007
M Fuentes, H Rodrıguez, D Ferrés
Proceeding of the Document Understanding Conference 2007, 2007
Integrating cohesion and coherence for Automatic Summarization
L Alonso i Alemany, M Fuentes Fort
Proceedings of the tenth conference on European chapter of the Association …, 2003
Mixed approach to headline extraction for DUC 2003
M Fuentes, M Massot, H Rodrıguez, L Alonso
Proceedings of DUC-2003, 2003
A new lexical chain algorithm used for automatic summarization
E Gonzàlez, M Fuentes
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development, 329-338, 2009
Spell Checking in Spanish: The Case of Diacritic Accents.
J Atserias, MF Fort, R Nazar, I Renau
LREC, 737-742, 2012
QASUM-TALP at DUC 2005 Automatically Evaluated with a Pyramid based Metric
M Fuentes, E González, D Ferrés, H RODRiguez
HLT-EMNLP Workshop (DUC 2005), Vancouver, Canada, 2005
Collaborating discourse for text summarisation
L Alonso, M Fuentes
proceedings of the seventh ESSLLI student session, 1-15, 2002
Resumidor de noticies en catala del projecte Hermes
M Fuentes, E Gonzalez, H Rodriguez
Proceedings of II Congrés d’Enginyeria en Llengua Catalana (CELC’04 …, 2004
TALP-UPC at TREC 2005: Experiments Using a Voting Scheme Among Three Heterogeneous QA Systems.
D Ferrés, S Kanaan, D Dominguez-Sal, E González, A Ageno, MF Fort, ...
TREC, 2005
Sistema de recomendación para un uso inclusivo del lenguaje
M Fuentes, L Padró, M Padró, J Turmo, JT Carrera
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, 17-24, 2009
A flexible multitask summarizer for documents from different media, domain and language
M Fuentes Fort
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2008
A flexible multitask summarizer for documents from different media, domain, and language
M Fuentes
Ph. D. thesis, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, 2008, Barcelona, Spain, 2008
FEMsum at DUC 2006: Semantic-based approach integrated in a flexible eclectic multitask summarizer architecture
M Fuentes Fort, H Rodríguez Hontoria, J Turmo Borras, ...
North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics …, 2006
Headline extraction combining statistic and symbolic techniques
M Fuentes, M Massot, H Rodríguez, L Alonso
DUC03, 2003
Summarizing spontaneous speech using general text properties
M Fuentes, E Gonzalez, H Rodrıguez, J Turmo, L Alonso
Proc. Crossing Barriers in Text Summarization Research Workshop held in …, 2005
UPC-CORE: What can machine translation evaluation metrics and Wikipedia do for estimating semantic textual similarity?
A Barrón-Cedeño, L Màrquez Villodre, M Fuentes Fort, ...
* SEM 2013: The Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational …, 2013
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Articles 1–20