Andrey Belyakov (Беляков Андрей Николаевич, ORCID: 0000-0001-9003-9416)
Andrey Belyakov (Беляков Андрей Николаевич, ORCID: 0000-0001-9003-9416)
Belgorod State University
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене bsu.edu.ru
Dynamic and post-dynamic recrystallization under hot, cold and severe plastic deformation conditions
T Sakai, A Belyakov, R Kaibyshev, H Miura, JJ Jonas
Progress in Materials Science 60, 130-207, 2014
Grain refinement in copper under large strain deformation
A Belyakov, T Sakai, H Miura, K Tsuzaki
Philosophical Magazine A 81 (11), 2629-2643, 2001
Dynamic recrystallization under warm deformation of a 304 type austenitic stainless steel
A Belyakov, H Miura, T Sakai
Materials Science and Engineering: A 255 (1-2), 139-147, 1998
Effect of initial microstructures on grain refinement in a stainless steel by large strain deformation
A Belyakov, K Tsuzaki, H Miura, T Sakai
Acta materialia 51 (3), 847-861, 2003
Continuous recrystallization in austenitic stainless steel after large strain deformation
A Belyakov, T Sakai, H Miura, R Kaibyshev, K Tsuzaki
Acta materialia 50 (6), 1547-1557, 2002
Effect of large strain cold rolling and subsequent annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of an austenitic stainless steel
I Shakhova, V Dudko, A Belyakov, K Tsuzaki, R Kaibyshev
Materials Science and Engineering: A 545, 176-186, 2012
Dynamic recrystallization mechanisms operating in a Ni–20% Cr alloy under hot-to-warm working
N Dudova, A Belyakov, T Sakai, R Kaibyshev
Acta Materialia 58 (10), 3624-3632, 2010
Deformation microstructures, strengthening mechanisms, and electrical conductivity in a Cu–Cr–Zr alloy
R Mishnev, I Shakhova, A Belyakov, R Kaibyshev
Materials Science and Engineering: A 629, 29-40, 2015
Grain refinement under multiple warm deformation in 304 type austenitic stainless steel
A Belyakov, T Sakai, H Miura, R Kaibyshev
ISIJ international 39 (6), 592-599, 1999
Microstructural evolution of a 304-type austenitic stainless steel during rolling at temperatures of 773–1273K
Z Yanushkevich, A Belyakov, R Kaibyshev
Acta Materialia 82, 244-254, 2015
Strain-induced grain evolution in polycrystalline copper during warm deformation
A Belyakov, W Gao, H Miura, T Sakai
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 29, 2957-2965, 1998
Microstructure evolution and strengthening mechanisms of Fe–23Mn–0.3 C–1.5 Al TWIP steel during cold rolling
P Kusakin, A Belyakov, C Haase, R Kaibyshev, DA Molodov
Materials Science and Engineering: A 617, 52-60, 2014
Ultrafine grain formation in ferritic stainless steel during severe plastic deformation
T Sakai, A Belyakov, H Miura
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 39, 2206-2214, 2008
Structural changes of tempered martensitic 9% Cr–2% W–3% Co steel during creep at 650° C
N Dudova, A Plotnikova, D Molodov, A Belyakov, R Kaibyshev
Materials Science and Engineering: A 534, 632-639, 2012
Wear resistance and electroconductivity in copper processed by severe plastic deformation
AP Zhilyaev, I Shakhova, A Belyakov, R Kaibyshev, TG Langdon
Wear 305 (1-2), 89-99, 2013
Microstructure evolution in dual-phase stainless steel during severe deformation
A Belyakov, Y Kimura, K Tsuzaki
Acta materialia 54 (9), 2521-2532, 2006
Hall-Petch relationship for austenitic stainless steels processed by large strain warm rolling
Z Yanushkevich, SV Dobatkin, A Belyakov, R Kaibyshev
Acta Materialia 136, 39-48, 2017
Ultrafine grain development in copper during multidirectional forging at 195 K
C Kobayashi, T Sakai, A Belyakov, H Miura
Philosophical Magazine Letters 87 (10), 751-766, 2007
Microstructure evolution and pinning of boundaries by precipitates in a 9 pct Cr heat resistant steel during creep
V Dudko, A Belyakov, D Molodov, R Kaibyshev
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 44 (1), 162-172, 2013
Fine-Grained Structure Formation in Austenitic Stainless Steel under Multiple Deformation at 0.5 T~ m
A Belyakov, T Sakai, H Miura
Materials Transactions-JIM 41 (4), 476-484, 2000
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