Fabio Guttler
Fabio Guttler
UMR DYNAFOR, École d’Ingénieurs de Purpan, Toulouse, France
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Cited by
Detection of Flavescence dorée Grapevine Disease Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Multispectral Imagery
J Albetis, S Duthoit, F Guttler, A Jacquin, M Goulard, H Poilvé, JB Féret, ...
Remote Sensing 9 (4), 308, 2017
Turbidity retrieval and monitoring of Danube Delta waters using multi-sensor optical remote sensing data: An integrated view from the delta plain lakes to the western …
FN Güttler, S Niculescu, F Gohin
Remote Sensing of Environment 132, 86-101, 2013
A graph-based approach to detect spatiotemporal dynamics in satellite image time series
F Guttler, D Ienco, J Nin, M Teisseire, P Poncelet
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 130, 92-107, 2017
Combining transductive and active learning to improve object-based classification of remote sensing images
FN Güttler, D Ienco, P Poncelet, M Teisseire
Remote Sensing Letters 7 (4), 358-367, 2016
When textual information becomes spatial information compatible with satellite images
E Kergosien, H Alatrista-Salas, M Gaio, FN Güttler, M Roche, M Teisseire
2015 7th International joint conference on knowledge discovery, knowledge …, 2015
Exploring high repetitivity remote sensing time series for mapping and monitoring natural habitats—A new approach combining OBIA and k-partite graphs
F Güttler, S Alleaume, C Corbane, D Ienco, J Nin, P Poncelet, M Teisseire
2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 3930-3933, 2014
Monitoring the phenology of mediterranean natural habitats with multispectral sensors—An analysis based on multiseasonal field spectra
C Corbane, F Güttler, S Alleaume, D Ienco, M Teisseire
2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 3934-3937, 2014
Les eaux du delta du Danube: approche géographique par télédétection satellitaire
FN Güttler
Université de Bretagne Occidentale / Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, 2012
Spectral analysis of Vitis vinifera leaves for the detection of the Flavescence dorée disease in red and white cultivars
F Guttler, S Duthoit, M Fauvel, A Jacquin
Science, 2018
Multisensor systems and flood risk management. Application to the Danube Delta using radar and hyperspectral imagery
S Niculescu, C Lardeux, F Güttler, JP Rudant
Teledetection 9 (3-4), 271-288, 2010
ANIMITEX. Analyse d'images fondée sur des informations textuelles.
M Roche, M Teisseire, B Crémilleux, P Gancarski, C Sallaberry, ...
Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf. 19 (3), 163-167, 2014
Towards the use of sequential patterns for detection and characterization of natural and agricultural areas
F Guttler, D Ienco, M Teisseire, J Nin, P Poncelet
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based …, 2014
Comportamento morfológico da praia do rio das Pacas, Florianópolis–SC–Brasil
F Güttler, AP de Freitas Plácido, L Ayala
Percursos 8 (2), 72-89, 2007
Uav multispectral images for precision viticulture: potential to detect flavescence dorée and grapevine trunk disease
J Albertis, AA Jacquin, FN Guttler, H Clenet, G Michel, H Poilvé, ...
20. Giesco Internatinal Meeting (Group of international Experts for …, 2017
Towards a Typology of Land Cover Evolutions Using High Resolution Satellite Image Time Series: Application to the Metropolitan Area of Strasbourg (France)
F Güttler, A Puissant, P Gançarski
GEOBIA 2016 conference, 14-16 September 2016, Enschede, 2016
Towards a typology of land-cover/land-use evolutions using high resolution satellite image time series: application to the metropolitan area of Strasbourg (France)
FN Güttler, A Puissant, P Gançarski
6th International Conference on Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis …, 2016
Vers l'utilisation de motifs séquentiels pour la détection et la caractérisation des espaces naturels et agricoles
F Güttler, D Ienco, M Teisseire, J Nin, P Poncelet, A Laurent, O Strauss, ...
Exploration haute répétitivité séries chronologiques de télédétection pour la cartographie et la surveillance des habitats naturels: une nouvelle approche combinant OBIA et …
F Güttler, S Alleaume, C Corbane, D Ienco, J Nin, P Poncelet, M Teisseire
Image analysis based on textual information
M Roche, M Teisseire, B Crémilleux, P Gancarski, C Sallaberry, ...
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série ISI: Ingénierie …, 2014
Comparing turbidity patterns of Danube Delta waters with remote sensing techniques: from deltaic lakes to the western Black Sea coastal zone
F Güttler, S Niculescu, F Gohin, Y Lageat, I Grigoras
European Geosciences Union-General Assembly 2011 (Session: Lakes and inland …, 2011
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Articles 1–20