Robust Feature Matching with Alternate Hough and Inverted Hough Transforms HI Chen, YY Lin, BY Chen IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013, 2762 - 2769, 2013 | 62 | 2013 |
High-resolution 360 Video Stitching for Real-time VR WT Lee, HI Chen, MS Chen, IC Shen, BY Chen. Computer Graphics Forum 36 (7), 2017 | 55 | 2017 |
Co-Segmentation Guided Hough Transform for Robust Feature Matching HY Chen, YY Lin, BY Chen IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 37 (12), 2388 …, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Images with Multiple Descriptors: An Unsupervised Approach for Locally Adaptive Descriptor Selection BYC Yuan-Ting Hu, Yen-Yu Lin, Hsin-I Chen, Kuang-Jui Hsu IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, 5995-6010, 2015 | 32 | 2015 |
Integrating Dashcam Views through Inter-Video Mapping HI Chen, YL Chen, WT Lee, F Wang, BY Chen 2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 3110 - 3118, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Making in-Front-of Cars Transparent: Sharing First-Person-Views via Dashcam SC Chen, HI Chen, YL Chen, HM Tsai, BY Chen Computer Graphics Forum 33 (7), 289-297, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Data-driven Handwriting Synthesis in a Conjoined Manner HI Chen, TJ Lin, XF Jian, IC Shen, BY Chen Computer Graphics Forum 34 (7), 235-244, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
FishNet: A Camera Localizer using Deep Recurrent Networks. BYC Hsin-I Chen, Sebastian Agethen, Chia-Min Wu, Winston H. Hsu, 2019 | | 2019 |
Bookwall: Visualizing books online based on user experience in physical bookstores HI Chen, WT Lin, BY Chen 2016 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 249 - 253, 2016 | | 2016 |
User-Assisted Disparity Maps HI Chen, YS Lin, IC Shen, SJ Luo, WH Cheng, BY Chen Pacific Graphics Short Papers, 2012 | | 2012 |