James Mattingly
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Cited by
Measurement of corporate social action: Discovering taxonomy in the Kinder Lydenburg Domini ratings data
JE Mattingly, SL Berman
Business & Society 45 (1), 20-46, 2006
Corporate social performance: A review of empirical research examining the corporation–society relationship using Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini social ratings data
JE Mattingly
Business & Society 56 (6), 796-839, 2017
Stakeholder salience, structural development, and firm performance: Structural and performance correlates of sociopolitical stakeholder management strategies
JE Mattingly
Business & Society 43 (1), 97-114, 2004
The relation between accounting conservatism and corporate social performance: An empirical investigation
RN Francis, S Harrast, J Mattingly, L Olsen
Business and Society Review 118 (2), 193-222, 2013
Governance implications of the effects of stakeholder management on financial reporting
JE Mattingly, SA Harrast, L Olsen
Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society 9 (3 …, 2009
Public-interest groups as stakeholders: A ‘stakeholder salience’ explanation of activism
JE Mattingly, DW Greening
Unfolding stakeholder thinking, 267-279, 2002
Performance outcomes of investing slack resources in corporate social responsibility
JE Mattingly, L Olsen
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 25 (4), 481-498, 2018
Who gets to decide? The role of institutional logics in shaping stakeholder politics and insurgency
JE Mattingly, HT Hall
Business and Society Review 113 (1), 63-89, 2008
Redefining the corporation: Stakeholder management and organizational wealth
JE Mattingly
Academy of Management Review 29 (3), 520-523, 2004
How to become your own worst adversary: Examining the connection between managerial attributions and organizational relationships with public interest stakeholders
JE Mattingly
Journal of Public Affairs: An International Journal 7 (1), 7-21, 2007
Radar Screens, Astroturf, and Dirty Work: A Qualitative Exploration of Structure and Process in Corporate Political Action.
JE Mattingly
Business & Society Review (00453609) 111 (2), 2006
Decoding the signal effects of job candidate attraction to corporate social practices
S Sorenson, JE Mattingly, FK Lee
Business and Society Review 115 (2), 173-204, 2010
Corporate social performance orientations: An exploratory investigation of dimensionality and taxonomy underlying the kld company profiles database
JE Mattingly, DW Greening
Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 13 …, 2002
Social Issues in Management division dissertation award competition for 2010: Acknowledging exemplary research processes and outcomes in doctoral study
JE Mattingly
Business & Society 50 (3), 513-517, 2011
From shared governance to shared leadership: Our COVID response to faculty evaluation, support, and advancement
J Burnight, D Cowley, B Wilson Hawbaker, J Mattingly, P Pease, ...
Teacher-Scholar: The Journal of the State Comprehensive University 11 (1), 1, 2022
Constructs and measures in stakeholder management research
J Mattingly, N Bailey
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management, 2021
NGO politics and insurgency: Examining institutional structures and change processes of NGO influence
HT Hall, JE Mattingly, DT Hue
Public Administration, NGO's and Public Debt: Issues and Perspectives, 193, 2010
The Relation Between Corporate Social Performance and Financial Reporting Bias
S Harrast, J Mattingly, L Olsen, Y Sun
Journal of Accounting and Finance 22 (2), 2022
From Shared Governance to Shared Leadership: Our COVID Response to Faculty Evaluation, Support, and Advancement
D Cowley, J Burnight, B Wilson Hawbaker, J Mattingly, P Pease, ...
Fort Hays State University (FHSU) Scholars Repository, 2022
Cultural Analysis of Corporate Social Action
JE Mattingly, HT Hall, C VanSandt
Business and Society Review 123 (4), 661-696, 2018
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Articles 1–20