Casey Lew-Williams
Casey Lew-Williams
Professor, Department of Psychology, Princeton University
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Young children learning Spanish make rapid use of grammatical gender in spoken word recognition
C Lew-Williams, A Fernald
Psychological Science 18 (3), 193-198, 2007
Grammatical gender in L2: A production or a real-time processing problem?
T Grüter, C Lew-Williams, A Fernald
Second Language Research 28 (2), 191-215, 2012
A collaborative approach to infant research: Promoting reproducibility, best practices, and theory‐building
MC Frank, E Bergelson, C Bergmann, A Cristia, C Floccia, J Gervain, ...
Infancy 22 (4), 421-435, 2017
Bilingualism in the early years: What the science says
K Byers-Heinlein, C Lew-Williams
LEARNing Landscapes 7 (1), 95, 2013
Language learning, socioeconomic status, and child‐directed speech
JF Schwab, C Lew‐Williams
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 7 (4), 264-275, 2016
Real-time processing of gender-marked articles by native and non-native Spanish speakers
C Lew-Williams, A Fernald
Journal of Memory and Language 63 (4), 447-464, 2010
Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed-speech preference
ManyBabies Consortium
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3 (1), 24-52, 2020
Infant and adult brains are coupled to the dynamics of natural communication
EA Piazza, L Hasenfratz, U Hasson, C Lew-Williams
Psychological science 31 (1), 6-17, 2020
Bilingual infants control their languages as they listen
K Byers-Heinlein, E Morin-Lessard, C Lew-Williams
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (34), 9032-9037, 2017
Isolated words enhance statistical language learning in infancy
C Lew‐Williams, B Pelucchi, JR Saffran
Developmental Science 14 (6), 1323-1329, 2011
Repetition across successive sentences facilitates young children’s word learning.
JF Schwab, C Lew-Williams
Developmental psychology 52 (6), 879, 2016
All words are not created equal: Expectations about word length guide infant statistical learning
C Lew-Williams, JR Saffran
Cognition 122 (2), 241-246, 2012
Mothers consistently alter their unique vocal fingerprints when communicating with infants
EA Piazza, MC Iordan, C Lew-Williams
Current Biology 27 (20), 3162-3167. e3, 2017
Building a collaborative psychological science: Lessons learned from ManyBabies 1.
K Byers-Heinlein, C Bergmann, C Davies, MC Frank, JK Hamlin, M Kline, ...
Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne 61 (4), 349, 2020
Communicative signals support abstract rule learning by 7-month-old infants
B Ferguson, C Lew-Williams
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 1-7, 2016
Listening through voices: Infant statistical word segmentation across multiple speakers
KG Estes, C Lew-Williams
Developmental Psychology 51 (11), 1517, 2015
The profile of abstract rule learning in infancy: Meta‐analytic and experimental evidence
H Rabagliati, B Ferguson, C Lew‐Williams
Developmental science 22 (1), e12704, 2019
Fathers’ repetition of words is coupled with children’s vocabularies
JF Schwab, ML Rowe, N Cabrera, C Lew-Williams
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 166, 437-450, 2018
A multilab study of bilingual infants: Exploring the preference for infant-directed speech
K Byers-Heinlein, ASM Tsui, C Bergmann, AK Black, A Brown, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 4 (1 …, 2021
Bilingual toddlers’ comprehension of mixed sentences is asymmetrical across their two languages
CE Potter, E Fourakis, E Morin‐Lessard, K Byers‐Heinlein, ...
Developmental Science 22 (4), e12794, 2019
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