Gema Ramírez-Sánchez
Gema Ramírez-Sánchez
CEO at Prompsit Language Engineering, computational linguist
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Cited by
Apertium: a free/open-source platform for rule-based machine translation
ML Forcada, M Ginestí-Rosell, J Nordfalk, J O’Regan, S Ortiz-Rojas, ...
Machine translation 25, 127-144, 2011
ParaCrawl: Web-scale acquisition of parallel corpora
M Bañón, P Chen, B Haddow, K Heafield, H Hoang, M Esplà-Gomis, ...
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2020
ParaCrawl: Web-scale parallel corpora for the languages of the EU
M Esplà-Gomis, ML Forcada, G Ramírez‐Sánchez, H Hoang
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVII: Translator, Project and User …, 2019
An open-source shallow-transfer machine translation engine for the Romance languages of Spain
AM Corbí-Bellot, ML Forcada, S Ortiz-Rojas, JA Pérez-Ortiz, ...
Proceedings of the 10th EAMT conference: practical applications of machine …, 2005
Open-source Portuguese–Spanish machine translation
C Armentano-Oller, RC Carrasco, AM Corbí-Bellot, ML Forcada, ...
International Workshop on Computational Processing of the Portuguese …, 2006
Prompsit’s submission to WMT 2018 parallel corpus filtering shared task
VM Sánchez-Cartagena, M Bañón, S Ortiz-Rojas, G Ramírez‐Sánchez
Proceedings of the third conference on machine translation: shared task …, 2018
The Apertium machine translation platform: five years on
ML Forcada, F Tyers, G Ramírez‐Sánchez
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Free/Open-Source Rule …, 2009
Bifixer and bicleaner: two open-source tools to clean your parallel data
G Ramírez‐Sánchez, J Zaragoza-Bernabeu, M Bañón, S Ortiz-Rojas
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2020
Shallow parsing for Portuguese-Spanish machine translation
A Garrido Alenda, P Gilabert Zarco, JA Pérez-Ortiz, A Pertusa, ...
Edições Colibri, 2004
Documentation of the open-source shallow-transfer machine translation platform Apertium
ML Forcada, BI Bonev, SO Rojas, JAP Ortiz, GR Sánchez, FS Martínez, ...
Online] Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informatics Universitat d …, 2007
Linguistically annotated multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates ParlaMint. ana 2.0
T Erjavec, M Ogrodniczuk, P Osenova, N Ljubešić, K Simov, V Grigorova, ...
An open-source shallow-transfer machine translation toolbox: consequences of its release and availability
C Armentano-Oller, AM Corbí-Bellot, ML Forcada, M Ginestí-Rosell, ...
Workshop on open-source machine translation, 23-30, 2005
Opentrad Apertium open-source machine translation system: an opportunity for business and research
G Ramírez Sánchez, F Sánchez-Martínez, S Ortiz Rojas, JA Pérez-Ortiz, ...
Aslib, 2006
Apertium, una plataforma de código abierto para el desarrollo de sistemas de traducción automática
C Armentano Oller, AM Corbí Bellot, ML Forcada, M Ginestí Rosell, ...
Universidad de Cádiz. Servicio de Publicaciones, 2007
Construcción y minimización eficiente de transductores de letras a partir de diccionarios con paradigmas
S Ortiz Rojas, ML Forcada, G Ramírez Sánchez
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, nº 35 (sept. 2005); pp. 51-57, 2005
MaCoCu: Massive collection and curation of monolingual and bilingual data: focus on under-resourced languages
M Banón, M Espla-Gomis, ML Forcada, C García-Romero, T Kuzman, ...
23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation …, 2022
Development of a free Basque to Spanish machine translation system
M Ginestí-Rosell, G Ramírez-Sánchez, S Ortiz-Rojas, FM Tyers, ...
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 187-195, 2009
Extrinsic evaluation of web-crawlers in machine translation: a study on Croatian-English for the tourism domain
A Toral, R Rubino, M Espla-Gomis, TA Pirinen, A Way, ...
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2014
Bicleaner AI: Bicleaner goes neural
J Zaragoza-Bernabeu, G Ramírez‐Sánchez, M Bañón, S Ortiz-Rojas
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2022
Collaborative development of a rule-based machine translator between Croatian and Serbian
F Klubička, G Ramírez‐Sánchez, N Ljubešić
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association for …, 2016
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Articles 1–20