Elena Botoeva
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Cited by
Efficient verification of relu-based neural networks via dependency analysis
E Botoeva, P Kouvaros, J Kronqvist, A Lomuscio, R Misener
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (04), 3291-3299, 2020
The virtual knowledge graph system ontop
G Xiao, D Lanti, R Kontchakov, S Komla-Ebri, E Güzel-Kalaycı, L Ding, ...
International Semantic Web Conference, 259-277, 2020
OBDA beyond relational DBs: A study for MongoDB
E Botoeva, D Calvanese, B Cogrel, M Rezk, G Xiao
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1577, 2016
Inseparability and conservative extensions of description logic ontologies: A survey
E Botoeva, B Konev, C Lutz, V Ryzhikov, F Wolter, M Zakharyaschev
Reasoning Web: Logical Foundation of Knowledge Graph Construction and Query …, 2017
Formal verification of neural agents in non-deterministic environments
ME Akintunde, E Botoeva, P Kouvaros, A Lomuscio
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 36 (1), 6, 2022
Efficient handling of SPARQL optional for OBDA
G Xiao, R Kontchakov, B Cogrel, D Calvanese, E Botoeva
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2018: 17th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2018
Verifying strategic abilities of neural-symbolic multi-agent systems
ME Akintunde, E Botoeva, P Kouvaros, A Lomuscio
Proceedings of the International Conference on Principles of Knowledge …, 2020
ARCH-COMP20 category report: artificial intelligence and neural network control systems (AINNCS) for continuous and hybrid systems plants
TT Johnson, D Manzanas Lopez, P Musau, HD Tran, E Botoeva, ...
EPiC Series in Computing 74, 2020
Expressivity and complexity of MongoDB queries
E Botoeva, D Calvanese, B Cogrel, G Xiao
21st International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2018), 2018
Exchanging description logic knowledge bases
M Arenas, E Botoeva, D Calvanese, V Ryzhikov, E Sherkhonov
Thirteenth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge …, 2012
Expressive Approximations in DL-Lite Ontologies
E Botoeva, D Calvanese, M Rodriguez-Muro
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems …, 2010
Games for query inseparability of description logic knowledge bases
E Botoeva, R Kontchakov, V Ryzhikov, F Wolter, M Zakharyaschev
Artificial Intelligence 234, 78-119, 2016
Query inseparability for ALC ontologies
E Botoeva, C Lutz, V Ryzhikov, F Wolter, M Zakharyaschev
Artificial Intelligence 272, 1-51, 2019
A generalized framework for ontology-based data access
E Botoeva, D Calvanese, B Cogrel, J Corman, G Xiao
AI* IA 2018–Advances in Artificial Intelligence: XVIIth International …, 2018
Query inseparability for description logic knowledge bases
E Botoeva, R Kontchakov, V Ryzhikov, F Wolter, M Zakharyaschev
Fourteenth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge …, 2014
Exchanging OWL 2 QL knowledge bases
M Arenas, E Botoeva, D Calvanese, V Ryzhikov
arXiv preprint arXiv:1304.5810, 2013
Knowledge base exchange
M Arenas, E Botoeva, D Calvanese
24th International Workshop on Description Logics 4, 2011
Beyond OWL 2 QL in OBDA: Rewritings and approximations
E Botoeva, D Calvanese, V Santarelli, D Savo, A Solimando, G Xiao
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 30 (1), 2016
Ontology-based data access–Beyond relational sources
E Botoeva, D Calvanese, B Cogrel, J Corman, G Xiao
Intelligenza Artificiale 13 (1), 21-36, 2019
Knowledge base exchange: The case of OWL 2 QL
M Arenas, E Botoeva, D Calvanese, V Ryzhikov
Artificial Intelligence 238, 11-62, 2016
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Articles 1–20