Sami Gülgöz
Sami Gülgöz
Psychology, Koc University
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Universal Features of Personality Traits from the Observer’s Perspective: Data from 50 Cultures
RR McCrae, A Terraciano, M the Personality Profiles of Cultures Project
Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 88 (3), 547-561, 2005
Personality profiles of cultures: Aggregate personality traits.
RR McCrae, A Terracciano, PPCP Group
Journal of personality and social psychology 89 (3), 407-425, 2005
National character does not reflect mean personality trait levels in 49 cultures
A Terracciano, AM Abdel-Khalek, N Adam, L Adamovova, C Ahn, H Ahn, ...
Science 310 (5745), 96-100, 2005
Using Kintsch's model to improve instructional text: Effects of inference calls on recall and cognitive structures
BK Britton, S Gulgoz
Journal of Educational Psychology 83, 329-345, 1991
The emergence of sex differences in personality traits in early adolescence: A cross-sectional, cross-cultural study.
M De Bolle, F De Fruyt, RR McCrae, CE Löckenhoff, PT Costa Jr, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 108 (1), 171, 2015
To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply?
BC Jones, LM DeBruine, JK Flake, MT Liuzza, J Antfolk, NC Arinze, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (1), 159-169, 2021
Eleştirel düşünme
İ Gürkaynak, F Üstel, S Gülgöz
Sabancı Üniversitesi Eğitim Reformu Girişimi, 2009
Instructional texts rewritten by five expert teams: Revisions and retention improvements.
BK Britton, L Van Dusen, S Gulgöz, SM Glynn
Journal of Educational Psychology 81 (2), 226, 1989
Five-factor model and the NEO-PI-R in Turkey
S Gulgoz
The five-factor model of personality across cultures, 175-196, 2002
A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic
K Wang, A Goldenberg, CA Dorison, JK Miller, A Uusberg, JS Lerner, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (8), 1089-1110, 2021
Elaborative processing mediates the relationship between need for cognition and academic performance
CJ Sadowski, S Gülgös
The Journal of Psychology 130 (3), 303-307, 1996
Internal consistency and test-retest reliability of the Need for Cognition Scale
CJ Sadowski, S Gulgoz
Perceptual and Motor Skills 74 (2), 610-610, 1992
Autobiographical and event memory for 9/11: Changes across one year
Aİ Tekcan, B Ece, S Gülgöz, N Er
Applied Cognitive Psychology: The Official Journal of the Society for …, 2003
Functional adult literacy and empowerment of women: Impact of a functional literacy program in Turkey
C Kagitcibasi, F Goksen, S Gulgoz
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 48 (6), 472-489, 2005
Examining the life story account of the reminiscence bump: Why we remember more from young adulthood
B Demiray, S Gülgöz, S Bluck
Memory 17 (7), 708-723, 2009
Learning from instructional text: Test of an individual-differences model.
BK Britton, M Stimson, B Stennett, S Gülgöz
Journal of Educational Psychology 90 (3), 476, 1998
Impact of good and poor writing on learners: Research and theory.
BK Britton, S Gulgoz, S Glynn
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, 1993
The validity and structure of culture‐level personality scores: Data from ratings of young adolescents
RR McCrae, A Terracciano, F De Fruyt, M De Bolle, MJ Gelfand, ...
Journal of personality 78 (3), 815-838, 2010
Turkey’s output in social science publications: 1970-1999
E Gülgöz, S, Yedekçioğlu ÖA, Yurtsever
Scientometrics 55 (1), 103-121, 2002
Cross-cultural variability of component processes in autobiographical remembering: Japan, Turkey, and the USA
DC Rubin, RW Schrauf, S Gulgoz, M Naka
Memory 15 (5), 536-547, 2007
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Articles 1–20