Eduardo Munera
Eduardo Munera
Institute of Control Systems and Industrial Computing - Polytechnic University of Valencia
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Cited by
Integrating Smart Resources in ROS-based systems to distribute services. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ISSN: 2255-2863)
E Munera, JL Poza-Lujan, JL Posadas-Yagüe, JE Simó-Ten, F Blanes
Salamanca 6 (1), 2017
Dynamic Reconfiguration of a RGBD Sensor Based on QoS and QoC Requirements in Distributed Systems
E Munera, JL Poza-Lujan, JL Posadas-Yagüe, JE Simó-Ten, ...
Sensors 15 (8), 18080-18101, 2015
Control kernel in smart factory environments: Smart resources integration
E Munera, JL Poza-Lujan, JL Posadas-Yagüe, J Simo, JF Blanes, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation …, 2015
Distributed Real-time Control Architecture for ROS-based Modular Robots
E Munera, JL Poza-Lujan, JL Posadas-Yague, J Simo, JFB Noguera
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 11233-11238, 2017
A Hierarchical Hybrid Architecture for Mission-Oriented Robot Control
M Muñoz, E Munera, JF Blanes, JE Simó
ROBOT2013: First Iberian Robotics Conference, 363-380, 2014
Sistema de auto-localización basado en visión para robots humanoides
E Munera Sánchez
Diseño e implementación de un módem acústico para redes de sensores inalámbricas submarinas
E Munera Sánchez
A Reliability-Based Particle Filter for Humanoid Robot Self-Localization in RoboCup Standard Platform League
E Munera Sánchez, M Muñoz Alcobendas, JF Blanes Noguera, ...
Sensors 13 (11), 14954-14983, 2013
A Study of Human-Robot Copilot Systems for En-route Destination Changing
YS Jiang, G Warnell, E Munera, P Stone
2018 27th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2018
Object Recognition: Distributed Architecture Based on Heterogeneous Devices to Integrate Sensor Information
JL Poza-Lujan, JL Posadas-Yagüe, E Munera, JE Simó, F Blanes
International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence …, 2019
Integrating Smart Resources in ROS-based systems to distribute services
E Munera, JL Poza-Lujan, JL Posadas-Yagüe, JE Simó-Ten, F Blanes
Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (España), 2017
Smart Resource Integration for Robot Navigation on a Control Kerned Middleware Based System
E Munera, MM Alcobendas, JL Poza-Lujan, JLP Yagüe, J Simo-Ten, ...
International Journal of Imaging and Robotics™ 15 (4), 117-129, 2015
Smart device definition and application on embedded system: Performance and optimi-zation on a RGBD sensor
JL Jimenez-Garcia, D Baselga-Masia, EM Sánchez, JL Poza-Lujan, ...
ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence …, 2014
Event Driven Middleware for Distributed System Control
M Munoz, E Munera, JF Blanes, JE Simó, G Benet
XXXIV Jornadas de Automatica, 751-758, 2013
CKMultipeer: Connecting Devices Without Caring about the Network
JE Simó-Ten, E Munera, JL Poza-Lujan, JL Posadas-Yagüe, F Blanes
International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence …, 2017
Smart Resource Integration on ROS-Based Systems: Highly Decoupled Resources for a Modular and Scalable Robot Development
E Munera, JL Poza-Lujan, JL Posadas-Yagüe, JE Simó-Ten, F Blanes
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 13th International …, 2016
Poster: Context-aware Adaptation Mechanism for Smart Resources
E Munera, JL Poza-Luján, JL Posadas-Yagüe, M Muñoz, ...
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems …, 2015
Configuration model for control kernel middleware based applications
JL Beltrán, L Calabuig, E Munera, J Simó, JL Poza-Lujan
XXXV Jornadas de Automática, 2014
Humanoid Robot Self-Location in SPL League
E Munera, M Muñoz, J Simó, F Blanes
XXXIII Jornadas de Automatica, 797-804, 2012
Mission-Oriented Heterogeneous Robot Cooperation Based on Smart Resources Execution
E Munera Sánchez
Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017
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Articles 1–20