Jean Carlo R Hauck
Cited by
Cited by
Teaching machine learning in school: A systematic mapping of the state of the art
LS Marques, C Gresse von Wangenheim, JCR Hauck
Informatics in Education 19 (2), 283-321, 2020
Experiences on establishing software processes in small companies
CG von Wangenheim, S Weber, JCR Hauck, G Trentin
Information and software technology 48 (9), 890-900, 2006
Visual tools for teaching machine learning in K-12: A ten-year systematic mapping
C Gresse von Wangenheim, JCR Hauck, FS Pacheco, ...
Education and Information Technologies 26 (5), 5733-5778, 2021
CodeMaster--Automatic Assessment and Grading of App Inventor and Snap! Programs.
CG Von Wangenheim, JCR Hauck, MF Demetrio, R Pelle, ...
Informatics in Education 17 (1), 117-150, 2018
Systematic literature review of software process capability/maturity models
CG von Wangenheim, JCR Hauck, CF Salviano, A von Wangenheim
Proceedings of International Conference on Software Process Improvement and …, 2010
Creating software process capability/maturity models
CG von Wangenheim, JCR Hauck, A Zoucas, CF Salviano, F McCaffery, ...
IEEE software 27 (4), 92-94, 2010
Approaches to assess computational thinking competences based on code analysis in K-12 education: A systematic mapping study
NDC Alves, CG Von Wangenheim, JCR Hauck
Informatics in Education 18 (1), 17, 2019
Teaching Computing in a Multidisciplinary Way in Social Studies Classes in School--A Case Study.
CG Von Wangenheim, NC Alves, PE Rodrigues, JC Hauck
International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools 1 (2), n2, 2017
Machine Learning for All–Introducing Machine Learning in K-12
CG Von Wangenheim, LS Marques, JCR Hauck
DOI: https://doi. org/10.31235/osf. io/wj5ne, 2020
Enhancing open source software in alignment with CMMI-DEV
CG von Wangenheim, JCR Hauck, A von Wangenheim
IEEE software 26 (2), 59-67, 2009
Machine learning for all!—introducing machine learning in middle and high school
RM Martins, CG von Wangenheim, MF Rauber, JC Hauck
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 34 (2), 185-223, 2024
A large-scale evaluation of a rubric for the automatic assessment of algorithms and programming concepts
NC Alves, CG von Wangenheim, JCR Hauck, AF Borgatto
Proceedings of the 51st ACM technical symposium on computer science …, 2020
Proposing an ISO/IEC 15504-2 compliant method for process capability/maturity models customization
JCR Hauck, CG Von Wangenheim, F Mc Caffery, L Buglione
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 12th International Conference …, 2011
Discovering software process and product quality criteria in software as a service
MH Cancian, JCR Hauck, CG von Wangenheim, RJ Rabelo
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 11th International Conference …, 2010
Automated assessment of the visual design of android apps developed with app inventor
I Solecki, J Porto, NC Alves, C Gresse von Wangenheim, J Hauck, ...
Proceedings of the 51st ACM technical symposium on computer science …, 2020
A proposal for performance-based assessment of the learning of machine learning concepts and practices in K-12
C Gresse Von Wangenheim, NC ALVES, MF Rauber, JCR Hauck, ...
Informatics in Education 21 (3), 479-500, 2022
An instructional feedback technique for teaching project management tools aligned with PMBOK
RQ Gonçalves, CAG Von Wangenheim, JCR Hauck, A Zanella
IEEE Transactions on Education 61 (2), 143-150, 2017
SplashCode--A Board Game for Learning an Understanding of Algorithms in Middle School.
C Gresse von Wangenheim, G AraĆŗjo e Silva de Medeiros, ...
Informatics in Education 18 (2), 259-280, 2019
Ensino de computação de forma multidisciplinar em disciplinas de história no ensino fundamental–um estudo de caso
N da Cruz Alves, CG von Wangenheim, PE Rodrigues, JCR Hauck, ...
Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação 24 (3), 31, 2016
Tailoring software process capability/maturity models for the health domain
CG von Wangenheim, A von Wangenheim, F McCaffery, JCR Hauck, ...
Health and Technology 3 (1), 11-28, 2013
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Articles 1–20