Thomas Eriksson
Cited by
Cited by
Closest point search in lattices
E Agrell, T Eriksson, A Vardy, K Zeger
IEEE transactions on information theory 48 (8), 2201-2214, 2002
A comparative analysis of the complexity/accuracy tradeoff in power amplifier behavioral models
AS Tehrani, H Cao, S Afsardoost, T Eriksson, M Isaksson, C Fager
Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on 58 (6), 1510-1520, 2010
Iterative learning control for RF power amplifier linearization
J Chani-Cahuana, PN Landin, C Fager, T Eriksson
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 64 (9), 2778-2789, 2016
Implementation challenges and opportunities in beyond-5G and 6G communication
U Gustavsson, P Frenger, C Fager, T Eriksson, H Zirath, F Dielacher, ...
IEEE Journal of Microwaves 1 (1), 86-100, 2021
Joint estimation of channel and oscillator phase noise in MIMO systems
H Mehrpouyan, AA Nasir, SD Blostein, T Eriksson, GK Karagiannidis, ...
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 60 (9), 4790-4807, 2012
Linearity and efficiency in 5G transmitters: New techniques for analyzing efficiency, linearity, and linearization in a 5G active antenna transmitter context
C Fager, T Eriksson, F Barradas, K Hausmair, T Cunha, JC Pedro
IEEE Microwave Magazine 20 (5), 35-49, 2019
Digital predistortion using a vector-switched model
S Afsardoost, T Eriksson, C Fager
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 60 (4), 1166-1174, 2012
Calculation of the performance of communication systems from measured oscillator phase noise
MR Khanzadi, D Kuylenstierna, A Panahi, T Eriksson, H Zirath
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 61 (5), 1553-1565, 2014
On the impact of hardware impairments on massive MIMO
U Gustavsson, C Sanchéz-Perez, T Eriksson, F Athley, G Durisi, P Landin, ...
2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 294-300, 2014
A-Band 48-Gbit/s 64-QAM/QPSK Direct-Conversion I/Q Transceiver Chipset
S Carpenter, D Nopchinda, M Abbasi, ZS He, M Bao, T Eriksson, H Zirath
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 64 (4), 1285-1296, 2016
Digital predistortion for multi-antenna transmitters affected by antenna crosstalk
K Hausmair, PN Landin, U Gustavsson, C Fager, T Eriksson
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 66 (3), 1524-1535, 2017
I/Q imbalance compensation using a nonlinear modeling approach
H Cao, AS Tehrani, C Fager, T Eriksson, H Zirath
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 57 (3), 513-518, 2009
Threshold receiver model for throughput of wireless devices with MIMO and frequency diversity measured in reverberation chamber
PS Kildal, A Hussain, X Chen, C Orlenius, A Skarbratt, J Asberg, ...
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 10, 1201-1204, 2011
Prediction of smart antenna transmitter characteristics using a new behavioral modeling approach
C Fager, X Bland, K Hausmair, JC Cahuana, T Eriksson
2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2014), 1-4, 2014
Linear massive MIMO precoders in the presence of phase noise—A large-scale analysis
R Krishnan, MR Khanzadi, N Krishnan, Y Wu, AG i Amat, T Eriksson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (5), 3057-3071, 2015
Prediction of nonlinear distortion in wideband active antenna arrays
K Hausmair, S Gustafsson, C Sánchez-Pérez, PN Landin, U Gustavsson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65 (11), 4550-4563, 2017
Compression of feedback for adaptive transmission and scheduling
T Eriksson, T Ottosson
Proceedings of the IEEE 95 (12), 2314-2321, 2007
Interframe LSF quantization for noisy channels
T Eriksson, J Linden, J Skoglund
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 7 (5), 495-509, 1999
Spatial characteristics of distortion radiated from antenna arrays with transceiver nonlinearities
C Mollén, U Gustavsson, T Eriksson, EG Larsson
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 17 (10), 6663-6679, 2018
Constellation optimization in the presence of strong phase noise
R Krishnan, AG i Amat, T Eriksson, G Colavolpe
IEEE Transactions on Communications 61 (12), 5056-5066, 2013
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Articles 1–20