Chang Sun
Chang Sun
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене unsw.edu.au
A unified approach to modelling the charge state of monatomic hydrogen and other defects in crystalline silicon
C Sun, FE Rougieux, D Macdonald
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (4), 2015
Light and elevated temperature induced degradation in p-type and n-type cast-grown multicrystalline and mono-like silicon
HC Sio, H Wang, Q Wang, C Sun, W Chen, H Jin, D Macdonald
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 182, 98-104, 2018
Gettering of interstitial iron in silicon by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposited silicon nitride films
AY Liu, C Sun, VP Markevich, AR Peaker, JD Murphy, D MacDonald
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (19), 2016
Determining the charge states and capture mechanisms of defects in silicon through accurate recombination analyses: A review
FE Rougieux, C Sun, D Macdonald
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 187, 263-272, 2018
Reassessment of the recombination parameters of chromium in n-and p-type crystalline silicon and chromium-boron pairs in p-type crystalline silicon
C Sun, FE Rougieux, D Macdonald
Journal of applied physics 115 (21), 2014
Hydrogen passivation of interstitial iron in boron-doped multicrystalline silicon during annealing
AY Liu, C Sun, D Macdonald
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (19), 2014
Methods to improve bulk lifetime in n-type Czochralski-grown upgraded metallurgical-grade silicon wafers
R Basnet, FE Rougieux, C Sun, SP Phang, C Samundsett, R Einhaus, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (4), 990-996, 2018
Impact of pre-fabrication treatments on n-type UMG wafers for 21% efficient silicon heterojunction solar cells
R Basnet, W Weigand, JY Zhengshan, C Sun, SP Phang, HC Sio, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 205, 110287, 2020
Silicon heterojunction solar cells achieving 26.6% efficiency on commercial-size p-type silicon wafer
X Ru, M Yang, S Yin, Y Wang, C Hong, F Peng, Y Yuan, C Sun, C Xue, ...
Joule 8 (4), 1092-1104, 2024
Progress with defect engineering in silicon heterojunction solar cells
M Wright, BV Stefani, A Soeriyadi, R Basnet, C Sun, W Weigand, Z Yu, ...
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 15 (9), 2100170, 2021
Origins of hydrogen that passivates bulk defects in silicon heterojunction solar cells
C Sun, W Weigand, J Shi, Z Yu, R Basnet, SP Phang, ZC Holman, ...
Applied Physics Letters 115 (25), 2019
Charge states of the reactants in the hydrogen passivation of interstitial iron in P-type crystalline silicon
C Sun, AY Liu, SP Phang, FE Rougieux, D Macdonald
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (8), 2015
Ring defects in n-type Czochralski-grown silicon: A high spatial resolution study using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, micro-photoluminescence, and micro-Raman
R Basnet, C Sun, H Wu, HT Nguyen, FE Rougieux, D Macdonald
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (24), 2018
Complete regeneration of BO-related defects in n-type upgraded metallurgical-grade Czochralski-grown silicon heterojunction solar cells
C Sun, D Chen, W Weigand, R Basnet, SP Phang, B Hallam, ZC Holman, ...
Applied Physics Letters 113 (15), 2018
22.6% efficient solar cells with polysilicon passivating contacts on n‐type solar‐grade wafers
R Basnet, SP Phang, C Samundsett, D Yan, W Liang, C Sun, S Armand, ...
Solar RRL 3 (11), 1900297, 2019
Investigating wafer quality in industrial czochralski‐grown gallium‐doped p‐type silicon ingots with melt recharging
R Basnet, C Sun, T Le, Z Yang, A Liu, Q Jin, Y Wang, D Macdonald
Solar RRL 7 (15), 2300304, 2023
Onset of ring defects in n-type Czochralski-grown silicon wafers
R Basnet, SP Phang, C Sun, FE Rougieux, D Macdonald
Journal of Applied Physics 127 (15), 2020
Silicon heterojunction back-contact solar cells by laser patterning
H Wu, F Ye, M Yang, F Luo, X Tang, Q Tang, H Qiu, Z Huang, G Wang, ...
Nature 635 (8039), 604-609, 2024
Gettering of transition metals in high-performance multicrystalline silicon by silicon nitride films and phosphorus diffusion
AY Liu, C Sun, HC Sio, X Zhang, H Jin, D Macdonald
Journal of Applied Physics 125 (4), 2019
Gettering effects of silicon nitride films from various plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition conditions
AY Liu, Z Hameiri, Y Wan, C Sun, D Macdonald
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (1), 78-81, 2018
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