Kenneth Ford
Cited by
Cited by
An approach to the linguistic summarization of data
RR Yager, KM Ford, AJ Cañas
Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases: 3rd International Conference on Information …, 1991
Expertise in context
PJ Feltovich, RR Hoffman
AAAI Press, 1997
Turing test considered harmful
P Hayes, K Ford
IJCAI (1), 972-977, 1995
Herramientas para construir y compartir modelos de conocimiento basados en mapas conceptuales
AJ Cañas, KM Ford, J Coffey, T Reichherzer, R Carff, D Shamma, ...
Revista de informática educativa 13 (2), 145-158, 2000
10 Expertise In Context: Personally Constructed, Socially Selected and Reality-Relevant?
NM Agnew, KM Ford, PJ Hayes
International Journal of Expert Systems 7 (1), 65, 1997
A concept-map based knowledge modeling approach to expert knowledge sharing
JW Coffey, RR Hoffman, AJ Cañas, KM Ford
Proceedings of IKS, 212-217, 2002
Knowledge acquisition as a constructive modeling activity
KM Ford, JM Bradshaw, JR Adams‐Webber, NM Agnew
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 8 (1), 9-32, 1993
ICONKAT: An integrated constructivist knowledge acquisition tool
K Ford, A Can̄as, J Jones, H Stahl, J Novak, J Adams-Webber
Knowledge Acquisition 3 (2), 215-236, 1991
Beyond the repertory grid: new approaches to constructivist knowledge acquisition tool development
JM Bradshaw, KM Ford, JR Adams-Webber, JH Boose
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 8 (2), 287-333, 1993
Final report
E Schmidt, R Work, S Catz, E Horvitz, S Chien, A Jassy, M Clyburn, ...
National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence: Washington, DC, USA, 2021
The robot's dilemma revisited: The frame problem in artificial intelligence.
KM Ford, ZW Pylyshyn
Ablex Publishing, 1996
Online concept maps
AJ Canas, KM Ford, JD Novak, P Hayes
The Science Teacher 68 (4), 49, 2001
Android epistemology
KM Ford, CN Glymour, PJ Hayes
A rose by any other name... would probably be given an acronym [cognitive systems engineering]
RR Hoffman, PJ Feltovich, KM Ford, DD Woods
IEEE Intelligent Systems 17 (4), 72-80, 2002
Diagnosis and explanation by a nuclear cardiology expert system
JW Coffey, A Callas, EJ Andrews
International Journal of Expert Systems 9, 4, 1996
An approach to knowledge acquisition based on the structure of personal construct systems
KM Ford, FE Petry, JR Adams-Webber, PJ Chang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 3 (1), 78-88, 1991
Knowledge construction and sharing in quorum
AJ Cañas, KM Ford, J Brennan, T Reichherzer, P Hayes
Seventh World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Washington DC, 1995
Introduction: Knowledge Acquisition as Modeling.
KM Ford, JM Bradshaw
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 8 (1), 1993
On Computational Wings: Rethinking the Goals of Artificial Intelligence-The gold standard of traditional artificial intelligence--passing the so-called Turing test and thereby …
KM Ford, PJ Hayes
Scientific American, 78-83, 1998
Concept mapbased multimedia computer system for facilitating user understanding of a domain of knowledge
KM Ford, AJ Canas, JW Coffey
US Patent 5,506,937, 1996
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20