Letizia Palumbo
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Cited by
Do observers like curvature or do they dislike angularity?
M Bertamini, L Palumbo, TN Gheorghes, M Galatsidas
British Journal of Psychology 107 (1), 154-178, 2016
Comparing angular and curved shapes in terms of implicit associations and approach/avoidance responses
L Palumbo, N Ruta, M Bertamini
PloS one 10 (10), e0140043, 2015
Curve appeal: Exploring individual differences in preference for curved versus angular objects
KN Cotter, PJ Silvia, M Bertamini, L Palumbo, O Vartanian
i-Perception 8 (2), 2041669517693023, 2017
Examining visual complexity and its influence on perceived duration
L Palumbo, R Ogden, ADJ Makin, M Bertamini
Journal of vision 14 (14), 3-3, 2014
Looking at eye gaze processing and its neural correlates in infancy—Implications for social development and autism spectrum disorder
S Hoehl, VM Reid, E Parise, A Handl, L Palumbo, T Striano
Child development 80 (4), 968-985, 2009
The curvature effect: A comparison between preference tasks
L Palumbo, M Bertamini
Empirical Studies of the Arts 34 (1), 35-52, 2016
An electrophysiological index of perceptual goodness
ADJ Makin, D Wright, G Rampone, L Palumbo, M Guest, R Sheehan, ...
Cerebral Cortex 26 (12), 4416-4434, 2016
Infants' attention is biased by emotional expressions and eye gaze direction
S Hoehl, L Palumbo, C Heinisch, T Striano
Neuroreport 19 (5), 579-582, 2008
Beyond face value: does involuntary emotional anticipation shape the perception of dynamic facial expressions?
L Palumbo, T Jellema
PloS one 8 (2), e56003, 2013
Scaling of the extrastriate neural response to symmetry
L Palumbo, M Bertamini, A Makin
Vision Research 117, 1-8, 2015
Biases in the perception and affective valence of neutral facial expressions induced by the immediate perceptual history
T Jellema, A Pecchinenda, L Palumbo, EG Tan
Visual Cognition 19 (5), 616-634, 2011
The role of the eyes in processing an intact face and its scrambled image: A dense array ERP and low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) study
M Cecchini, P Aceto, D Altavilla, L Palumbo, C Lai
Social neuroscience 8 (4), 314-325, 2013
Influence of eye gaze on spoken word processing: an ERP study with infants
E Parise, A Handl, L Palumbo, AD Friederici
Child Development 82 (3), 842-853, 2011
Visual preference for abstract curvature and for interior spaces: Beyond undergraduate student samples.
L Palumbo, G Rampone, M Bertamini, M Sinico, E Clarke, O Vartanian
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 16 (4), 577, 2022
An advantage for smooth compared with angular contours in the speed of processing shape.
M Bertamini, L Palumbo, C Redies
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 45 (10 …, 2019
Atypical emotional anticipation in high-functioning autism
L Palumbo, HG Burnett, T Jellema
Molecular autism 6, 1-17, 2015
Individual differences in preference for architectural interiors
O Vartanian, G Navarrete, L Palumbo, A Chatterjee
Journal of Environmental Psychology 77, 101668, 2021
Neural correlate of the projection of mental states on the not-structured visual stimuli
M Luciani, M Cecchini, D Altavilla, L Palumbo, P Aceto, G Ruggeri, ...
Neuroscience letters 573, 24-29, 2014
Shape familiarity modulates preference for curvature in drawings of common-use objects
EG Chuquichambi, L Palumbo, C Rey, E Munar
PeerJ 9, e11772, 2021
The role of gender and academic degree on preference for smooth curvature of abstract shapes
L Palumbo, G Rampone, M Bertamini
PeerJ 9, e10877, 2021
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Articles 1–20