Simonetta Boria
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Cited by
Lightweight design and crash analysis of composite frontal impact energy absorbing structures
J Obradovic, S Boria, G Belingardi
Composite Structures 94 (2), 423-430, 2012
Impact behavior of a fully thermoplastic composite
S Boria, A Scattina, G Belingardi
Composite Structures 167, 63-75, 2017
Experimental and numerical investigations of the impact behaviour of composite frontal crash structures
S Boria, J Obradovic, G Belingardi
Composites Part B: Engineering 79, 20-27, 2015
Kriging-assisted topology optimization of crash structures
E Raponi, M Bujny, M Olhofer, N Aulig, S Boria, F Duddeck
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 348, 730-752, 2019
Axial energy absorption of CFRP truncated cones
S Boria, A Scattina, G Belingardi
Composite Structures 130, 18-28, 2015
Numerical investigation of energy absorbers in composite materials for automotive applications
S Boria, G Belingardi
International Journal of Crashworthiness 17 (4), 345-356, 2012
Experimental evaluation of a fully recyclable thermoplastic composite
S Boria, A Scattina, G Belingardi
Composite Structures 140, 21-35, 2016
Theoretical analysis on the collapse mechanisms of thin-walled composite tubes
S Boria, S Pettinari, F Giannoni
Composite Structures 103, 43-49, 2013
Modeling of falling weight impact behavior of hybrid basalt/flax vinylester composites
S Boria, A Pavlovic, C Fragassa, C Santulli
Procedia Engineering 167, 223-230, 2016
High dimensional Bayesian optimization assisted by principal component analysis
E Raponi, H Wang, M Bujny, S Boria, C Doerr
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature–PPSN XVI: 16th International Conference …, 2020
Mathematical design of electric vehicle impact attenuators: Metallic vs composite material
S Boria, S Pettinari
Composite Structures 115, 51-59, 2014
Axial crushing of metal-composite hybrid tubes: experimental analysis
S Boria, A Scattina, G Belingardi
Procedia Structural Integrity 8, 102-117, 2018
Analytical and numerical analysis of composite impact attenuators
S Boria, S Pettinari, F Giannoni, G Cosimi
Composite Structures 156, 348-355, 2016
Energy absorbing sacrificial structures made of composite materials for vehicle crash design
G Belingardi, S Boria, J Obradovic
Dynamic failure of composite and sandwich structures, 577-609, 2013
Green sandwich structures under impact: experimental vs numerical analysis
S Boria, E Raponi, F Sarasini, J Tirillò, L Lampani
Procedia Structural Integrity 12, 317-329, 2018
Lightweight design and crash analysis of composites
S Boria
Lightweight Composite Structures in Transport, 329-360, 2016
Methodology for parameter identification on a thermoplastic composite crash absorber by the Sequential Response Surface Method and Efficient Global Optimization
E Raponi, D Fiumarella, S Boria, A Scattina, G Belingardi
Composite Structures 278, 114646, 2021
Experimental crushing analysis of thermoplastic and hybrid composites
S Boria, G Belingardi, D Fiumarella, A Scattina
Composite Structures 226, 111241, 2019
Behaviour of an impact attenuator for formula SAE car under dynamic loading
S Boria
Int J Veh Struct Syst 2 (2), 45-53, 2010
Temperature effect on impact response of flax/epoxy laminates: Analytical, numerical and experimental results
E Raponi, C Sergi, S Boria, J Tirillò, F Sarasini, A Calzolari
Composite Structures 274, 114316, 2021
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Articles 1–20