Distribution function of random strains in an elastically anisotropic continuum and defect strengths of impurity ions in crystals with zircon structure BZ Malkin, NM Abishev, EI Baibekov, DS Pytalev, KN Boldyrev, ...
Physical Review B 96 (1), 014116, 2017
36 2017 Direct observation of hyperfine level anticrossings in the optical spectra of a single crystal KN Boldyrev, MN Popova, BZ Malkin, NM Abishev
Physical Review B 99 (4), 041105, 2019
27 2019 Disorder effects in : single crystals revealed by optical spectra KN Boldyrev, NM Abishev, IE Mumdzi, SI Nikitin, PJ Deren, BZ Malkin, ...
Physical Review B 103 (5), 054103, 2021
10 2021 Deformation broadening and the fine structure of spectral lines in optical spectra of dielectric crystals containing rare-earth ions NM Abishev, EI Baibekov, BZ Malkin, MN Popova, DS Pytalev, SA Klimin
Physics of the Solid State 61, 795-801, 2019
9 2019 High-resolution spectroscopic studies of random strains in ferroelastic domains in the LaAlO3: Tm3+ single crystal KN Boldyrev, NM Abishev, IE Mumdzi, SI Nikitin, BZ Malkin, RV Yusupov, ...
Optical Materials: X 14, 100155, 2022
6 2022 High-resolution spectroscopy of LaAlO3-Pr3+ pseudo-cubic perovskite single crystals: crystal-field parameters, hyperfine and deformation splittings KN Boldyrev, TA Igolkina, NM Abishev, BZ Malkin, MN Popova
Optical Materials, 115629, 2024
2024 Modeling of the crystal field, magnetoelastic interactions and random lattice deformations in VV Klekovkina, NM Abishev
arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.09861, 2023
2023 Spectral effects due to random deformations in LaAlO3 crystals activated by rare-earth ions NM Abishev, BZ Malkin, IE Mumdzhi, SI Nikitin, KN Boldyrev, MN Popova
II International conference «Physics of condensed states» dedicated to the …, 2021
2021 First observation of hyperfine level anticrossings in optical spectra of a crystal: Perspective for quantum memory MN Popova, KN Boldyrev, E Suleimen, BZ Malkin, NM Abishev, MC Chou
Тезисы докладов II Конференции по фотонике и квантовым технологиям, 8-9, 2020
2020 Optical spectroscopy of random deformations in elastically-anisotropic crystals containing rare-earth ions BZ Malkin, EI Baibekov, NM Abishev, DS Pytalev, MN Popova, M Bettinelli
EPJ Web of Conferences 132, 02016, 2017
2017 High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Laalo3: Pr3+ Pseudo-Cubic Single Crystals: Crystal-Field Parameters, Hyperfine and Deformation Splittings K Boldyrev, TA Igolkina, NM Abishev, BZ Malkin, MN Popova
Hyperfine and Deformation Splittings, 0
Disorder effects in LaAl O3: Ho3+ single crystals revealed by optical spectra SI Nikitin, IE Mumdzi, NM Abishev, PJ Deren, KN Boldyrev, MN Popova, ...
Deformation Broadening and the Fine Structure of Spectral Lines in Optical Spectra of Dielectric Crystals Containing Rare-Earth Ions M Popova, E Baibekov, S Klimin, D Pytalev, N Abishev, B Malkin
Direct observation of hyperfine level anticrossings in the optical spectra of a LiYF4 7: Ho3+ single crystal M Popova, N Abishev, B Malkin, K Boldyrev
Optical spectroscopy of random deformations in elastically-Anisotropic crystals containing rare-earth ions M Popova, M Bettinelli, E Baibekov, D Pytalev, N Abishev, B Malkin
Distribution function of random strains in an elastically anisotropic continuum and defect strengths of T m3+ impurity ions in crystals with zircon structure M Popova, D Pytalev, N Abishev, M Bettinelli, E Baibekov, B Malkin, ...