Xiaodong Xu
Xiaodong Xu
Senior Lecturer, Cranfield University
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене cranfield.ac.uk
An experimental investigation into size effects in quasi-isotropic carbon/epoxy laminates with sharp and blunt notches
X Xu, MR Wisnom, Y Mahadik, SR Hallett
Composites Science and Technology 100, 220-227, 2014
A numerical investigation into size effects in centre-notched quasi-isotropic carbon/epoxy laminates
X Xu, MR Wisnom, X Li, SR Hallett
Composites Science and Technology 111, 32-39, 2015
Effect of out-of-plane wrinkles in curved multi-directional carbon/epoxy laminates
X Xu, MI Jones, H Ali, MR Wisnom, SR Hallett
Composites Science and Technology 197, 108282, 2020
Deducing the R-curve for trans-laminar fracture from a virtual Over-height Compact Tension (OCT) test
X Xu, MR Wisnom, SR Hallett
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 118, 162-170, 2019
Scaling of fracture response in over-height compact tension tests
X Xu, MR Wisnom, Y Mahadik, SR Hallett
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 69, 40-48, 2015
In situ characterization of trans-laminar fracture toughness using X-ray Computed Tomography
X Sun, S Takeda, MR Wisnom, X Xu
Composites Communications 21, 100408, 2020
Virtual characterization of nonlocal continuum damage model parameters using a high fidelity finite element model
J Reiner, X Xu, N Zobeiry, R Vaziri, SR Hallett, MR Wisnom
Composite Structures 256, 113073, 2021
Unification of strength scaling between unidirectional, quasi-isotropic, and notched carbon/epoxy laminates
X Xu, MR Wisnom, K Chang, SR Hallett
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 90, 296-305, 2016
Delamination suppression in tapered unidirectional laminates with multiple ply drops using a tape scarfing technique
T Gordon, X Xu, L Kawashita, MR Wisnom, SR Hallett, BC Kim
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 150, 106627, 2021
Novel tape termination method for automated fibre placement: Cutting characteristics and delamination suppression
T Gordon, X Xu, MR Wisnom, BC Kim
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 137, 106023, 2020
Predicting notched tensile strength of full-scale composite structures from small coupons using fracture mechanics
X Xu, S Takeda, Y Aoki, SR Hallett, MR Wisnom
Composite Structures 180, 386-394, 2017
Initial R-curves for trans-laminar fracture of quasi-isotropic carbon/epoxy laminates from specimens with increasing size
X Xu, X Sun, MR Wisnom
Composites Science and Technology 216, 109077, 2021
Experimental investigation of high velocity oblique impact and residual tensile strength of carbon/epoxy laminates
AR Kristnama, X Xu, D Nowell, MR Wisnom, SR Hallett
Composites Science and Technology 182, 107772, 2019
Experimental determination of Through-Thickness Compression (TTC) enhancement factor for Mode II fracture energy
X Xu, MR Wisnom, X Sun, SR Hallett
Composites Science and Technology 165, 66-73, 2018
Stacking sequence effects in over-height compact tension tests of quasi-isotropic laminates
X Xu, MR Wisnom, SR Hallett, N Zobeiry, S Leslie, A Poursartip, R Vaziri
19th International Conference on Composite Materials. Montreal, 2013
Investigation of Fracture Process Zone Development in Quasi-isotropic Carbon/Epoxy Laminates using in situ and ex situ X-ray Computed Tomography
X Xu, S Takeda, MR Wisnom
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 107395, 2022
The effect of transverse compressive stresses on tensile failure of carbon fibre/epoxy composites
T Rev, MR Wisnom, X Xu, G Czél
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 106894, 2022
An experimental study of scaling effects in notched quasi-isotropic carbon/epoxy laminates under compressive loads
X Xu, A Paul, X Sun, MR Wisnom
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 137, 106029, 2020
Improved impact damage resistance of tapered composite laminates using a ply scarfing technique
T Gordon, X Xu, MR Wisnom, SR Hallett, BC Kim
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 107391, 2022
Thickness effect on Mode I trans-laminar fracture toughness of quasi-isotropic carbon/epoxy laminates
X Xu, A Paul, MR Wisnom
Composite Structures 210, 145-151, 2019
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