Siu Wa Lee
Siu Wa Lee
Telecommunications Engineer, Office of the Communications Authority
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Cited by
An Exemplar-based Approach to Frequency Warping for Voice Conversion
X Tian, SW Lee, Z Wu, ES Chng, H Li
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 2017
Correlation-based frequency warping for voice conversion
X Tian, Z Wu, SW Lee, ES Chng
Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP), 2014, 211 - 215, 2014
High quality voice conversion using prosodic and high-resolution spectral features
HQ Nguyen, SW Lee, X Tian, M Dong, ES Chng
Multimedia Tools and Applications 74 (24), 2015
Joint time delay and pitch estimation for speaker localization
LY Ngan, Y Wu, HC So, PC Ching, SW Lee
ISCAS, 722 - 725, 2003
Method and system for template-based personalized singing voice synthesis
M Dong, L Cen, PY Chan, H Li, SW Lee
US Patent 20,150,025,892, 2015
Sparse representation for frequency warping based voice conversion
X Tian, Z Wu, SW Lee, QH Nguyen, ES Chng, M Dong
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2015 IEEE International …, 2015
Generalized F0 modelling with absolute and relative pitch features for singing voice synthesis
SW Lee, ST Ang, M Dong, H Li
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012 IEEE International …, 2012
System Fusion for High-Performance Voice Conversion
X Tian, Z Wu, SW Lee, NQ Hy, M Dong, ES Chng
I2R text-to-speech system for blizzard challenge 2013
SW Lee, M Dong, ST Ang, MM Chew
Blizzard Challenge Workshop, 2013
A comparative study of spectral transformation techniques for singing voice synthesis
SW Lee, Z Wu, M Dong, X Tian, H Li
Interspeech, 2499 - 2503, 2014
I2R speech2singing perfects everyone's singing
M Dong, SW Lee, H Li, P Chan, X Peng, JW Ehnes, D Huang
Interspeech, 2148 - 2149, 2014
Singing voice synthesis: Singer-dependent vibrato modeling and coherent processing of spectral envelope
SW Lee, M Dong
Interspeech, 2001 - 2004, 2011
Mapping frames with DNN-HMM recognizer for nonparallel voice conversion
M Dong, C Yang, Y Lu, J Ehnes, D Huang, H Ming, R Tong, SW Lee, H Li
Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and …, 2015
A study of F0 modeling and generation with lyrics and shape characterization for singing voice synthesis
SW Lee, M Dong, H Li
Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP), 2012, 150 -154, 2012
Auto-synchronous vocal harmonizer
PY Chan, M Dong, L Cen, SW Lee
US Patent App. 13/418,236, 2011
I2R text-to-speech system for blizzard challenge 2012
M Dong, SW Lee, PY Chan, L Cen
Blizzard Challenge Workshop, 2012
I2R text-to-speech system for blizzard challenge 2011
M Dong, SW Lee, PY Chan, L Cen
Blizzard Challenge Workshop, 2011
Model-based speech separation with single-microphone input
SW Lee, FK Soong, PC Ching
Interspeech, 850 -053, 2007
A waveform representation framework for high-quality statistical parametric speech synthesis
B Fan, SW Lee, X Tian, L Xie, M Dong
Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and …, 2015
Analysis for vibrato with arbitrary shape and its applications to music
SW Lee, M Dong, YZ Chan
APSIPA, 2011
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Articles 1–20