Alexander Mussap
Alexander Mussap
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене deakin.edu.au
Emotional reactions following exposure to idealized bodies predict unhealthy body change attitudes and behaviors in women and men
S Cahill, AJ Mussap
Journal of psychosomatic research 62 (6), 631-639, 2007
A ‘rubber-hand’illusion reveals a relationship between perceptual body image and unhealthy body change
AJ Mussap, N Salton
Journal of Health Psychology 11 (4), 627-639, 2006
Masculine gender role stress and the pursuit of muscularity.
A Mussap
Deakin University, 2008
Enhancing critical analysis and problem‐solving skills in undergraduate psychology: An evaluation of a collaborative learning and problem‐based learning approach
GC Karantzas, MR Avery, S Macfarlane, A Mussap, G Tooley, ...
Australian Journal of Psychology 65 (1), 38-45, 2013
The Gender Identity Scale: Adapting the Gender Unicorn to measure gender identity.
F Ho, AJ Mussap
Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity 6 (2), 217, 2019
Research note: Leisure satisfaction and subjective wellbeing
J Hribernik, AJ Mussap
Annals of Leisure Research 13 (4), 701-708, 2010
Acculturation, body image, and eating behaviours in Muslim-Australian women
AJ Mussap
Health & place 15 (2), 532-539, 2009
Strength of faith and body image in Muslim and non-Muslim women
AJ Mussap
Mental Health, Religion and Culture 12 (2), 121-127, 2009
Body image in preadolescent boys.
LA Ricciardelli, MP McCabe, AJ Mussap, KE Holt
American Psychological Association, 2009
Sociocultural influences on strategies to lose weight, gain weight, and increase muscles among ten cultural groups
MP McCabe, L Busija, M Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, L Ricciardelli, D Mellor, ...
Body Image 12, 108-114, 2015
Self-concept clarity and women's sexual well-being
A Hucker, A Mussap, M McCabe
Deakin University, 2010
Maladaptive perfectionism, acculturative stress and depression in Asian international university students
SL Huang, AJ Mussap
Journal of psychologists and counsellors in schools 28 (2), 185-196, 2018
The relationship between feminine gender role stress and disordered eating symptomatology in women
AJ Mussap
Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the …, 2007
Avatar body dimensions and men's body image
JP Cacioli, AJ Mussap
Body Image 11 (2), 146-155, 2014
The relationship between dissociation and binge eating
M Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, AJ Mussap
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 9 (4), 445-462, 2008
Implications of accuracy, sensitivity, and variability of body size estimations to disordered eating
AJ Mussap, MP McCabe, LA Ricciardelli
Body image 5 (1), 80-90, 2008
Increased left hemisphere impairment in high-functioning autism: a tract based spatial statistics study
TJ Perkins, MA Stokes, JA McGillivray, AJ Mussap, IA Cox, JJ Maller, ...
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 224 (2), 119-123, 2014
Transgender mental health in Australia: Satisfaction with practitioners and the standards of care
F Ho, AJ Mussap
Australian Psychologist 52 (3), 209-218, 2017
Cultural differences in body dissatisfaction: Japanese adolescents compared with adolescents from China, Malaysia, Australia, Tonga, and Fiji
M Brockhoff, AJ Mussap, M Fuller‐Tyszkiewicz, D Mellor, H Skouteris, ...
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 19 (4), 385-394, 2016
Cultural influences on body dissatisfaction, body change behaviours, and disordered eating of J apanese adolescents
M Brokhoff, AJ Mussap, D Mellor, H Skouteris, LA Ricciardelli, ...
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 15 (4), 238-248, 2012
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