Vinícius Loti de Lima
Vinícius Loti de Lima
Applied Scientist, Amazon
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Exact solution techniques for two-dimensional cutting and packing
M Iori, VL de Lima, S Martello, FK Miyazawa, M Monaci
European Journal of Operational Research 289 (2), 399-415, 2021
Arc Flow Formulations Based on Dynamic Programming: Theoretical Foundations and Applications
VL de Lima, C Alves, F Clautiaux, M Iori, JMV de Carvalho
European Journal of Operational Research 296 (1), 3-21, 2021
Exact solution of network flow models with strong relaxations
VL de Lima, M Iori, FK Miyazawa
Mathematical Programming, 1-34, 2022
2DPackLib: a two-dimensional cutting and packing library
M Iori, VL de Lima, S Martello, M Monaci
Optimization Letters 16 (2), 471–480, 2022
Grids for cutting and packing problems: a study in the 2D knapsack problem
JG de Almeida Cunha, VL de Lima, TA de Queiroz
4OR 18 (3), 293-339, 2020
The container loading problem with cargo stability: a study on support factors, mechanical equilibrium and grids
LA Oliveira, VL de Lima, TA de Queiroz, FK Miyazawa
Engineering Optimization 53 (7), 1192-1211, 2021
The integrated lot-sizing and cutting stock problem under demand uncertainty
E Curcio, VL de Lima, FK Miyazawa, E Silva, P Amorim
International Journal of Production Research 61 (20), 6691-6717, 2023
Heuristic algorithms for integrated workforce allocation and scheduling of perishable products
B Bolsi, VL de Lima, T Alves de Queiroz, M Iori
International Journal of Production Research 61 (20), 7048-7063, 2023
New Exact Techniques Applied to a Class of Network Flow Formulations
VL de Lima, M Iori, FK Miyazawa
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 22nd International …, 2021
Integrated workforce scheduling and flexible flow shop problem in the meat industry
B Bolsi, VL de Lima, TA de Queiroz, M Iori
IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems …, 2021
Comparing a static equilibrium based method with the support factor for horizontal cargo stability in the container loading problem
LA Oliveira, VL de Lima, TA Queiroz, FK Miyazawa
Pesquisa Operacional 41, e240379, 2021
Assigning multi-skill configurations to multiple servers with a Scenario-Based Planning and Recombination Approach
B Bolsi, TA de Queiroz, VL de Lima, A Kramer, M Iori
Computers & Operations Research, 106719, 2024
Assigning Multi-Skill Configurations to Multiple Servers with a Reduced VNS
TA de Queiroz, B Bolsi, VL de Lima, M Iori, A Kramer
International Conference on Variable Neighborhood Search, 97-111, 2022
Relacionando uma Solução do Cubo Mágico 5x5x5 e a Teoria de Grupos
VL de Lima, PA dos Santos Júnior
Semana do IME - UFG, 2015
Algorithms for the bin packing problem with scenarios
YGF Borges, VL de Lima, FK Miyazawa, LLC Pedrosa, TA de Queiroz, ...
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 48 (4), 34, 2024
A Heuristic Column Generation Approach for the Stochastic Bin Packing Problem
J Martinovic, N Strasdat, JF Côté, VL de Lima
International Conference on Operations Research, 131-138, 2022
Integer programming based methods applied to cutting, packing, and scheduling= Métodos baseados em programação inteira aplicados em problemas de corte, empacotamento e …
VL de Lima
[sn], 2021
Um esquema de aproximação para um problema de empacotamento com cenários
Y Borges, T de Queiroz, V de Lima, F Miyazawa, L Pedrosa
Anais do IV Encontro de Teoria da Computação, 2019
Algoritmo Branch-and-Price para o Problema de Corte de Estoque Nao-Guilhotinado
VL de Lima, TA de Queiroz
Comparaçao de Métodos para a Estabilidade Vertical de Carga no Problema de Carregamento de um Unico Contêiner
L de Azevedo Oliveira, VL de Lima, TA de Queiroz
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Articles 1–20