Oksana Dereza
Oksana Dereza
Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University of Galway
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Cited by
Lemmatization for ancient languages: Rules or neural networks?
O Dereza
Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language: 7th International Conference …, 2018
A multilingual evaluation dataset for monolingual word sense alignment
S Ahmadi, JP McCrae, S Nimb, F Khan, M Monachini, BS Pedersen, ...
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation …, 2020
Temporal domain adaptation for historical Irish
O Dereza, T Fransen, JP Mccrae
Tenth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial …, 2023
Lemmatisation for under-resourced languages with sequence-to-sequence learning: A case of Early Irish
O Dereza
Proceedings of Third Workshop "Computational linguistics and language …, 2019
Do not trust the experts-how the lack of standard complicates NLP for historical Irish
O Dereza, T Fransen, JP Mccrae
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP …, 2023
Building a Dictionary-Based Lemmatizer for Old Irish
O Dereza
Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL du 4 au 8 juillet 2016 6 …, 2016
Findings of the SIGTYP 2024 shared task on word embedding evaluation for ancient and historical languages
O Dereza, A Doyle, P Rani, AK Ojha, P Moran, JP McCrae
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic …, 2024
“To Have the ‘Million’Readers Yet”: Building a Digitally Enhanced Edition of the Bilingual Irish-English Newspaper an Gaodhal (1881-1898)
O Dereza, DN Chonghaile, N Wolf
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical …, 2024
Paired Adjectives in the Middle Welsh Ystorya Bown o Hamtwn
O Dereza
‘Ynllaweniawn, ynllawniaith’: Proceedings of the 6th International …, 2015
The Cardamom Workbench for Historical and Under-Resourced Languages
A Doyle, T Fransen, B Stearns, JP McCrae, O Dereza, P Rani
Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge, 109-120, 2023
Evaluating historical word embeddings: strategies, challenges and pitfalls
O Dereza, T Fransen, JP Mccrae
Workshop: Computational models of diachronic language change, 21-22, 2023
Physical Qualities in Goidelic: A Corpus Study of Polysemy and Collocability
O Dereza
7th International Colloquium of Societas Celto-Slavica, 71-89, 2018
Verb-Noun Collocation and Government Model Extraction from Large Corpora
V Tushkanov, O Dereza
CDUD 2016–The 3rd International Workshop on Concept Discovery in …, 2016
Корпусные исследования семантики качественных прилагательных на материале гойдельских языков
О Дереза
Focal, fios agus foghlaim: Тезисы международной конференции, посвященной …, 2016
Cтилистика средневековых переводов: ирландская и валлийская версии жесты о Беве из Амтона
О Дереза
Проблемы истории и культуры средневекового общества: материалы XXXIII …, 2015
Королевская власть в Уэльсе в XI–XII вв.: между героическим прошлым и туманным будущим
О Дереза
Vox Medii Aevi, 2015
«Основы знаний об Ирландии» Джеффри Китинга и король с говорящим именем
О Дереза
Vox Medii Aevi, 2015
The Semantics of Proto-Celtic* k 𝑤 enno-: History and Typology
O Dereza
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Articles 1–18