Samuel G. Wilson
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Cited by
Blaming, praising, and protecting our humanity: The implications of everyday dehumanization for judgments of moral status
B Bastian, SM Laham, S Wilson, N Haslam, P Koval
British Journal of Social Psychology 50 (3), 469-483, 2011
What makes an article influential? Predicting impact in social and personality psychology
N Haslam, L Ban, L Kaufmann, S Loughnan, K Peters, J Whelan, S Wilson
Scientometrics 76, 169-185, 2008
Separating adaptive maintenance (resilience) and transformative capacity of social-ecological systems
S Wilson, LJ Pearson, Y Kashima, D Lusher, C Pearson
Ecology and Society 18 (1), 2013
Dehumanization: A new perspective
N Haslam, S Loughnan, C Reynolds, S Wilson
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 1 (1), 409-422, 2007
The acquisition of perceived descriptive norms as social category learning in social networks
Y Kashima, S Wilson, D Lusher, LJ Pearson, C Pearson
Social Networks 35 (4), 711-719, 2013
Is the future more or less human? Differing views of humanness in the posthumanism debate
S Wilson, N Haslam
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 39 (2), 247-266, 2009
Re-imagining ethical leadership as leadership for the greater good
S Wilson, J McCalman
European Management Journal 35 (2), 151-154, 2017
Systematic literature review of leadership in emergency departments
S Wilson, A Rixon, S Hartanto, P White, S Judkins
Emergency Medicine Australasia 32 (6), 935-952, 2020
Leadership challenges of directors of emergency medicine: an Australasian Delphi study
A Rixon, S Wilson, S Hussain, M Terziovski, S Judkins, P White
Emergency Medicine Australasia 32 (2), 258-266, 2020
Humanness beliefs about behavior: An index and comparative human-nonhuman behavior judgments
SG Wilson, N Haslam
Behavior research methods 45, 372-382, 2013
Ambivalent emotional states: the underlying source of all creativity?
SA Moss, SG Wilson
The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving 24 (2), 75-100, 2014
The positive emotions that facilitate the fulfillment of needs may not be positive emotions at all: The role of ambivalence
SA Moss, SG Wilson
Explore 11 (1), 40-50, 2015
The relationship between an orientation to the future and an orientation to the past: The role of future clarity
SA Moss, SG Wilson, M Irons, C Naivalu
Stress and Health 33 (5), 608-616, 2017
Not so trustless after all: Trust in Web3 technology and opportunities for brands
C Ferraro, MA Wheeler, JI Pallant, SG Wilson, J Oldmeadow
Business Horizons 66 (5), 667-678, 2023
Look into the crystal ball: Can vivid images of the future enhance physical health?
SA Moss, TC Skinner, N Alexi, SG Wilson
Journal of Health Psychology 23 (13), 1689, 2018
Leadership tools for wicked problems
J Fien, S Wilson
Working Paper Series, 3, 1-12 3, 1-12, 2014
Why are older people often so responsible and considerate even when their future seems limited? A systematic review
SA Moss, SG Wilson
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 86 (1), 82-108, 2018
Reframing leadership: leader identity challenges of the emergency physician
LY Wong, S Wilson, A Rixon, S Sendjaya
Emergency Medicine Australasia 34 (1), 127-129, 2022
Integrating the most unintuitive empirical observations of 2007 in the domain of personality and social psychology into a unified framework
SA Moss, S Wilson
New Ideas in Psychology 28 (1), 1-27, 2010
Reasoning about human enhancement: Towards a folk psychological model of human nature and human identity
S Wilson, N Haslam
Handbook of research on technoself: Identity in a technological society, 175-188, 2013
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Articles 1–20