Stephanie A Fryberg
Stephanie A Fryberg
Professor of Psychology, Northwestern University
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Unseen disadvantage: how American universities' focus on independence undermines the academic performance of first-generation college students.
NM Stephens, SA Fryberg, HR Markus, CS Johnson, R Covarrubias
Journal of personality and social psychology 102 (6), 1178, 2012
Identity-based motivation and health.
D Oyserman, SA Fryberg, N Yoder
Journal of personality and social psychology 93 (6), 1011, 2007
The possible selves of diverse adolescents: Content and function across gender, race and national origin
D Oyserman, S Fryberg
Possible selves: Theory, research, and applications 2 (4), 17-39, 2006
Of warrior chiefs and Indian princesses: The psychological consequences of American Indian mascots
SA Fryberg, HR Markus, D Oyserman, JM Stone
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 30 (3), 208-218, 2008
Movin’on up (to college): First-generation college students’ experiences with family achievement guilt.
R Covarrubias, SA Fryberg
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 21 (3), 420, 2015
Social class disparities in health and education: reducing inequality by applying a sociocultural self model of behavior.
NM Stephens, HR Markus, SA Fryberg
Psychological review 119 (4), 723, 2012
“Frozen in time”: The impact of Native American media representations on identity and self‐understanding
PA Leavitt, R Covarrubias, YA Perez, SA Fryberg
Journal of Social Issues 71 (1), 39-53, 2015
Racial-ethnic self-schemas
D Oyserman, M Kemmelmeier, S Fryberg, H Brosh, T Hart-Johnson
Social Psychology Quarterly, 333-347, 2003
Cultural models of education in American Indian, Asian American and European American contexts
SA Fryberg, HR Markus
Social Psychology of Education 10, 213-246, 2007
When choice does not equal freedom: A sociocultural analysis of agency in working-class American contexts
NM Stephens, SA Fryberg, HR Markus
Social Psychological and Personality Science 2 (1), 33-41, 2011
How the media frames the immigration debate: The critical role of location and politics
SA Fryberg, NM Stephens, R Covarrubias, HR Markus, ED Carter, ...
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 12 (1), 96-112, 2012
Resilience to discrimination stress across ethnic identity stages of development
AJ Romero, LM Edwards, SA Fryberg, M Orduņa
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 44 (1), 1-11, 2014
The psychology of invisibility.
SA Fryberg, SSM Townsend
American Psychological Association, 2008
Self‐concepts, self‐esteem, and academic achievement of minority and majority north American elementary school children
D Cvencek, SA Fryberg, R Covarrubias, AN Meltzoff
Child development 89 (4), 1099-1109, 2018
Discrimination in the United States: experiences of native Americans
MG Findling, LS Casey, SA Fryberg, S Hafner, RJ Blendon, JM Benson, ...
Health Services Research 54, 1431-1441, 2019
Being mixed: Who claims a biracial identity?
SSM Townsend, SA Fryberg, CL Wilkins, HR Markus
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 18 (1), 91, 2012
Expanding the interpretive power of psychological science by attending to culture
LM Brady, SA Fryberg, Y Shoda
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (45), 11406-11413, 2018
On being American Indian: Current and possible selves
SA Fryberg, HR Markus
Self and identity 2 (4), 325-344, 2003
Cultural models of education and academic performance for Native American and European American students
SA Fryberg, R Covarrubias, JA Burack
School Psychology International 34 (4), 439-452, 2013
When the world is colorblind, American Indians are invisible: A diversity science approach
SA Fryberg, NM Stephens
Psychological Inquiry 21 (2), 115-119, 2010
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