Ali Alshawish
Ali Alshawish
Chair of Computer Networks and Computer Communications, University of Passau
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Cited by
Cited by
Physical intrusion games—optimizing surveillance by simulation and game theory
S Rass, A Alshawish, MA Abid, S Schauer, Q Zhu, H De Meer
IEEE Access 5, 8394-8407, 2017
Beyond the ideal object: towards disclosure-resilient order-preserving encryption schemes
S Wozniak, M Rossberg, S Grau, A Alshawish, G Schaefer
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM workshop on Cloud computing security workshop …, 2013
R package’hyrim’: Multicriteria risk management using zero-sum games with vector-valued payoffs that are probability distributions (2017)
S Rass, S König, A Alshawish
URL https://hyrim. net/software, 2020
Risk mitigation in electric power systems: Where to start?
A Alshawish, H de Meer
Energy Informatics 2 (1), 34, 2019
HyRiM: multicriteria risk management using zero-sum games with vector-valued payoffs that are probability distributions
S Rass, S König, A Alshawish
R package version 2 (0), 2020
Surveillance and security: protecting electricity utilities and other critical infrastructures
A Gouglidis, B Green, D Hutchison, A Alshawish, H de Meer
Energy Informatics 1, 1-24, 2018
G-DPS: A game-theoretical decision-making framework for physical surveillance games
A Alshawish, MA Abid, H de Meer, S Schauer, S König, A Gouglidis, ...
Game Theory for Security and Risk Management: From Theory to Practice, 129-156, 2018
An ICT architecture for enabling ancillary services in Distributed Renewable Energy Sources based on the SGAM framework
A Stocker, A Alshawish, M Bor, J Vidler, A Gouglidis, A Scott, ...
Energy Informatics 5 (1), 5, 2022
Risk-based decision-support for vulnerability remediation in electric power networks
A Alshawish, H de Meer
Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy …, 2019
Playing a multi-objective spot-checking game in public transportation systems
A Alshawish, MA Abid, S Rass, H de Meer
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Security in Highly Connected IT Systems …, 2017
Game-theoretic optimization for physical surveillance of critical infrastructures: A case study
A Alshawish, MA Abid, H de Meer
Game Theory for Security and Risk Management: From Theory to Practice, 353-389, 2018
A model-based Time-to-Compromise estimator to assess the security posture of vulnerable networks
A Alshawish, K Spielvogel, H De Meer
2019 International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys), 1-3, 2019
Risk-Based Security Management in Critical Infrastructure Organizations
A Alshawish
Universität Passau, 2021
Quasi-purification of mixed game strategies: Sub-optimality of equilibria in security games
A Alshawish, MA Abid, H de Meer
Computers & Security 87, 101575, 2019
Prioritize When Patching Everything is Impossible!
A Alshawish, H De Meer
2019 IEEE 44th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 125-128, 2019
Risk Minimization in Physical Surveillance: Playing an Uncertain Cops-and-Robbers Game
S Schauer, S König, S Rass, A Gouglidis, A Alshawish, H de Meer
2016 Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, 471, 2016
Risk Minimization in Physical Surveillance: Playing an Uncertain Cops-and-Robbers Game
A Gouglidis, A Alshawish, H de Meer
Decision and Game Theory for Security: 7th International Conference, GameSec …, 2016
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Articles 1–17