Elizabeth (Stickel) Minton
Elizabeth (Stickel) Minton
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Sustainable marketing and social media: A cross-country analysis of motives for sustainable behaviors
E Minton, C Lee, U Orth, CH Kim, L Kahle
Journal of advertising 41 (4), 69-84, 2012
Religion and motives for sustainable behaviors: A cross-cultural comparison and contrast
EA Minton, LR Kahle, CH Kim
Journal of Business Research 68 (9), 1937-1944, 2015
Belief systems, religion, and behavioral economics: Marketing in multicultural environments
EA Minton, LR Kahle
The subjective norms of sustainable consumption: A cross-cultural exploration
EA Minton, N Spielmann, LR Kahle, CH Kim
Journal of Business Research 82, 400-408, 2018
Sustainable marketing and consumer support for sustainable businsses
M Peterson, EA Minton, RL Liu, DE Bartholomew
Sustainable Production and Consumption 27, 157-168, 2021
In advertising we trust: Religiosity's influence on marketplace and relational trust
EA Minton
Journal of Advertising 44 (4), 403-414, 2015
Religiosity and special food consumption: The explanatory effects of moral priorities
EA Minton, KA Johnson, RL Liu
Journal of Business Research 95, 442-454, 2019
A theoretical review of consumer priming: Prospective theory, retrospective theory, and the affective–behavioral–cognitive model
EA Minton, TB Cornwell, LR Kahle
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 16 (4), 309-321, 2017
Thou shall not? The influence of religion on beliefs of stewardship and dominion, sustainable behaviors, and marketing systems
RB Leary, EA Minton, JD Mittelstaedt
Journal of Macromarketing 36 (4), 457-470, 2016
Addressing criticisms of global religion research: A consumption‐based exploration of status and materialism, sustainability, and volunteering behavior
EA Minton, LR Kahle, TS Jiuan, SK Tambyah
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 55 (2), 365-383, 2016
Greening up because of god: The relations among religion, sustainable consumption and subjective well‐being
EA Minton, H Jeffrey Xie, E Gurel‐Atay, LR Kahle
International Journal of Consumer Studies 42 (6), 655-663, 2018
Drivers of sustainability and consumer well-being: An ethically-based examination of religious and cultural values
EA Minton, SJ Tan, SK Tambyah, RL Liu
Journal of Business Ethics 175, 167-190, 2022
US citizens’ representations of God and support for sustainability policies
KA Johnson, RL Liu, EA Minton, DE Bartholomew, M Peterson, AB Cohen, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 36 (2), 362-378, 2017
Is it godly to waste food? How understanding consumers' religion can help reduce consumer food waste
EA Minton, KA Johnson, M Vizcaino, C Wharton
Journal of Consumer Affairs 54 (4), 1246-1269, 2020
Cake or fruit? Influencing healthy food choice through the interaction of automatic and instructed mental simulation
H Xie, EA Minton, LR Kahle
Marketing Letters 27, 627-644, 2016
The cause cue effect: Cause‐related marketing and consumer health perceptions
EA Minton, TB Cornwell
Journal of Consumer Affairs 50 (2), 372-402, 2016
Consumer-brand congruence and conspicuousness: an international comparison
H Bajac, M Palacios, EA Minton
International Marketing Review 35 (3), 498-517, 2018
Efficacy of purchasing activities and strategic involvement: an international comparison
CL Yang, RJ Lin, D Krumwiede, E Stickel, C Sheu
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 33 (1), 49-68, 2013
Sacred attributions: Implications for marketplace behavior
EA Minton
Psychology & Marketing 33 (6), 437-448, 2016
Religion and consumer behaviour
EA Minton, LR Kahle
Routledge international handbook of consumer psychology, 310-329, 2016
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Articles 1–20