Tim Behrens
Tim Behrens
Professor of Computational Neuroscience, University of Oxford. Honorary Prof, UCL
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Advances in functional and structural MR image analysis and implementation as FSL
SM Smith, M Jenkinson, MW Woolrich, CF Beckmann, TEJ Behrens, ...
Neuroimage 23, S208-S219, 2004
M Jenkinson, CF Beckmann, TEJ Behrens, MW Woolrich, SM Smith
Neuroimage 62 (2), 782-790, 2012
Tract-based spatial statistics: voxelwise analysis of multi-subject diffusion data
SM Smith, M Jenkinson, H Johansen-Berg, D Rueckert, TE Nichols, ...
Neuroimage 31 (4), 1487-1505, 2006
The WU-Minn human connectome project: an overview
DC Van Essen, SM Smith, DM Barch, TEJ Behrens, E Yacoub, K Ugurbil, ...
Neuroimage 80, 62-79, 2013
Probabilistic diffusion tractography with multiple fibre orientations: What can we gain?
TEJ Behrens, HJ Berg, S Jbabdi, MFS Rushworth, MW Woolrich
neuroimage 34 (1), 144-155, 2007
Characterization and propagation of uncertainty in diffusion‐weighted MR imaging
TEJ Behrens, MW Woolrich, M Jenkinson, H Johansen‐Berg, RG Nunes, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2003
Bayesian analysis of neuroimaging data in FSL
MW Woolrich, S Jbabdi, B Patenaude, M Chappell, S Makni, T Behrens, ...
Neuroimage 45 (1), S173-S186, 2009
Non-invasive mapping of connections between human thalamus and cortex using diffusion imaging
TEJ Behrens, H Johansen-Berg, MW Woolrich, SM Smith, ...
Nature neuroscience 6 (7), 750-757, 2003
The Human Connectome Project: a data acquisition perspective
DC Van Essen, K Ugurbil, E Auerbach, D Barch, TEJ Behrens, R Bucholz, ...
Neuroimage 62 (4), 2222-2231, 2012
Learning the value of information in an uncertain world
TEJ Behrens, MW Woolrich, ME Walton, MFS Rushworth
Nature neuroscience 10 (9), 1214-1221, 2007
Multilevel linear modelling for FMRI group analysis using Bayesian inference
MW Woolrich, TEJ Behrens, CF Beckmann, M Jenkinson, SM Smith
Neuroimage 21 (4), 1732-1747, 2004
Training induces changes in white-matter architecture
J Scholz, MC Klein, TEJ Behrens, H Johansen-Berg
Nature neuroscience 12 (11), 1370-1371, 2009
Frontal cortex and reward-guided learning and decision-making
MFS Rushworth, MAP Noonan, ED Boorman, ME Walton, TE Behrens
Neuron 70 (6), 1054-1069, 2011
Triangulating a cognitive control network using diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional MRI
AR Aron, TE Behrens, S Smith, MJ Frank, RA Poldrack
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (14), 3743-3752, 2007
Optimal decision making and the anterior cingulate cortex
SW Kennerley, ME Walton, TEJ Behrens, MJ Buckley, MFS Rushworth
Nature neuroscience 9 (7), 940-947, 2006
Associative learning of social value
TEJ Behrens, LT Hunt, MW Woolrich, MFS Rushworth
Nature 456 (7219), 245-249, 2008
Advances in diffusion MRI acquisition and processing in the Human Connectome Project
SN Sotiropoulos, S Jbabdi, J Xu, JL Andersson, S Moeller, EJ Auerbach, ...
Neuroimage 80, 125-143, 2013
Choice, uncertainty and value in prefrontal and cingulate cortex
MFS Rushworth, TEJ Behrens
Nature neuroscience 11 (4), 389-397, 2008
The human connectome project's neuroimaging approach
MF Glasser, SM Smith, DS Marcus, JLR Andersson, EJ Auerbach, ...
Nature neuroscience 19 (9), 1175-1187, 2016
Diffusion MRI: from quantitative measurement to in vivo neuroanatomy
H Johansen-Berg, TEJ Behrens
Academic Press, 2013
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Articles 1–20