Charles Prado
Charles Prado
National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology
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Cited by
Machine learning resistant strong PUF: Possible or a pipe dream?
A Vijayakumar, VC Patil, CB Prado, S Kundu
2016 IEEE international symposium on hardware oriented security and trust …, 2016
Comparison of chemometric problems in food analysis using non-linear methods
WFC Rocha, CB Prado, N Blonder
Molecules 25 (13), 3025, 2020
Artificial neural network-based stealth attack on battery energy storage systems
M Pasetti, P Ferrari, P Bellagente, E Sisinni, AO de Sá, CB do Prado, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (6), 5310-5321, 2021
Realizing strong PUF from weak PUF via neural computing
L Santiago, VC Patil, CB Prado, TAO Alves, LAJ Marzulo, FMG França, ...
2017 IEEE international symposium on defect and fault tolerance in VLSI and …, 2017
Secure end-to-end processing of smart metering data
A Brito, C Fetzer, S Köpsell, P Pietzuch, M Pasin, P Felber, K Fonseca, ...
Journal of Cloud Computing 8, 1-13, 2019
Software validation of medical instruments
DR Boccardo, RCS Machado, SM Camara, CB do Prado, WS Melo, ...
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications …, 2014
A new intelligent systems approach to 3d animation in television
CB Do Prado, FMG Franca, E Costa, L Vasconcelos
Proceedings of the 6th ACM international conference on Image and video …, 2007
Design of robust, high-entropy strong PUFs via weightless neural network
L Santiago de Araújo, V C. Patil, C B. Prado, T AO Alves, L AJ Marzulo, ...
Journal of Hardware and Systems Security 3, 235-249, 2019
Software analysis and protection for smart metering
CB do Prado, DR Boccardo, RCS Machado, LFR da Costa Carmo, ...
NCSLI Measure 9 (3), 22-29, 2014
Using intel SGX to enforce auditing of running software in insecure environments
L Pereira, L Ortiz, D Rossi, M Rosa, K Fonseca, C Prado, L Rust, A Britto, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science …, 2018
The influence of order on a large bag of words
CB Prado, FMG França, R Diacovo, PMV Lima
2008 Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2008
Program matching through code analysis and artificial neural networks
TM Nascimento, DR Boccardo, CB Prado, RCS Machado, LFRC Carmo
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 22 …, 2012
Traceability of executable codes using neural networks
DR Boccardo, TM Nascimento, RC Machado, CB Prado, LFRC Carmo
International Conference on Information Security, 241-253, 2010
Combination frequency differencing for identifying design weaknesses in physical unclonable functions
DR Kuhn, MS Raunak, C Prado, VC Patil, RN Kacker
2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2022
Secure Cloud Processing for Smart Meters Using Intel SGX
MVM Araújo, CB do Prado, LFRC Carmo, CM Farias
Anais do XVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas …, 2018
Energy footprint framework: A pathway toward smart grid sustainability
D Boccardo, L Ribeiro, R Canaan, L Carmo, L Pirmez, R Machado, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 51 (1), 50-56, 2013
Cloud challenge: Secure end-to-end processing of smart metering data
A Brito, C Fetzer, S Köpsell, M Pasin, P Felber, K Fonseca, M Rosa, ...
2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing …, 2018
Defeating strong puf modeling attack via adverse selection of challenge-response pairs
HL França, CB Prado, VC Patil, S Kundu
2018 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST), 25-30, 2018
Program Equivalence Using Neural Networks
TM Nascimento, CB Prado, DR Boccardo, LFRC Carmo, RCS Machado
International Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and …, 2010
Sistema de monitoração de carga elétrica residencial com implementação para diferentes cenários de aplicação
CB Prado
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Articles 1–20